Friday, June 05, 2009

Re: [astrostudents] What the Astrology for?

Respected Bharadwaj ji, what more can be be added to it. U have given
the best possible conclusion to the issue. I am fully satisfied by ur
explanation. Hence forth further disscussion on this issue is closed
from side. Regards. Kulbir.

On 6/5/09, Nirmal Kumar Bhardwaj <> wrote:
> Dear Friends,
> I always wander that what the astrology is for?
> Is it for predicting or some thing else.
> Before I proceed, let me tell about a small incident in my life happened in
> 1981. One of my senior Colleague,a devotee of Mother Durga, used to practice
> remedial astrology. On a routine working day at the leisure time, I, out of
> curiosity, put forward my palm before him and asked him to tell me about my
> future. He took my hand in his palm and closed my palm and asked very
> affectionately " Why you want to know about future.?"
> I had no answer, He continued
> " Friend, Nature is our mother, While a human takes birth, She (Bidh Mata)
> writes your fate & all about your life as per your past karmas and Keeps the
> secret with her. By exposing the hidden secrets of Mother Goddess before
> anybody, dont you feel that you are putting your mother's clothes off from
> her body and making Her bare Do you like me to do that.
> Though with her Grace, She allowed me to know about few of the special
> incidents of ones life through some special techniques. But that is allowed
> to me only not for exposing Her,but to know the reasons behind that
> incidents and to allow me to tell innocents humans to take corrective
> measures for his present karmas. "
> His word always rings in my ears till date. Questions always remain in my
> mind
> What is the astrology for?
> Why we all are learning it?
> What we get by predicting ones future?
> I feel Lalkitab Gives the Answer.
> In the examples, Nowhere Pt.Ji ever given predictions specific incidents of
> future. He narrates incidents about past life just to verify the Horoscope
> and Prescribe remedial measures for the present and some drasticaly
> incidents yet to come.
> No doubt the prediction methods are given every where in the book , but I
> feel that is for the guidance of astrologers not for the Common men.
> I see all the Lalkitab Astrologer follow the same path as shown by Pt.Ji.
> Though a common man thinks 'Pridiction' the most appropriate meaning for
> word 'Astrology'. This may be the reason for the present discussion going
> about the Timing of events.
> In my opinion every astrological subject, like engineering, teaches the
> students to know about the working of an element, reasons of the probales
> faults which can occer in it and to learn techniques to take most
> appropriate corrective steps to rectify that fault.
> Your views are welcome to continue discussion further
> Regards
> Nirmal

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