Thursday, June 25, 2009

Re: [astrostudents] Re: some querry

Dear Finn
Allow me for some in between communication.
i am learner on lal kitaab and as you rightly guided that it should be read with patience and thorugh knowledge , but as a learner when we go through the chapters we encounter lots of areas where prohibited things are written or where precauations /warnings are written along with the negative outcome if person violate the rules,  say for eg :
Moon in 3rd house : ladki rinn and its negative effects.
Ketu in 1st house : if person has some extra maritial affairs , he would be ruined and like wise example.
Unconsiuouly , un knowingly you relate these areas with your horoscope and ends up with full of negativity . On the top of it there are few astrologers who give sermon on LK on TV channels and constantly highlight dos and donts and their nagative repurcursions  without any rationale .
They state thing a person can imagine
via this forum and subject, i would request to advise all our new comers that how we can adopt LK without being devaited by all negativity written in subsections. To us these negative things are magnified as we have limited knoweldge and rationale till we pick up the right way to adapt this blissful knowledge...
please advise
Mohit Goel

From: Finn Wandahl <>
Sent: Thursday, 25 June, 2009 10:25:08 PM
Subject: [astrostudents] Re: some querry

Dear Aditya,

It is said in the introduction part of Lal Kitab 1952 that "...trying to understand the subject through one's own horoscope will prove counterproductive. ..".

Lal Kitab say that it is repeated reading of the book that will unfold the secrets of the subject.

It is also said that doing a horoscope by Lal Kitab and verifying and/or rectifying the horoscope (the Teva Darusthi) may only be attempted after understanding the subject.

You have taken a few lines from the chapter on Mushtarka Ghar, about Joint houses, taken completely out of context, and now you want some of us to clear your doubts and confusion. It is like trying to steal food on the marked-place. It will get you nowhere.

Please have a fully qualified Lal Kitab astrologer do your horoscope and provide the predictions and remedies needed. Begin to study Lal Kitab yourself, but be patient. And please do not try to do own horoscope by Lal Kitab during the process.

Best wishes,
Finn Wandahl

--- In astrostudents@ yahoogroups. com, "schoolfreinds" <schoolfreinds@ ...> wrote:
> Respected Members, I was reading some of the articles on the web on
> Lal kitab and found few points, for which i want some clarification on
> some of my doubts. 1) If Rahu or Ketu be placed in the 5th and there
> are inimical planets in the 8th then strokes of misfortune will hit the
> native through the 11th house. The relatives indicated by the planets of
> the 5th and 8th houses will also be affected. In this situation the
> earnings of the native will also be affected very adversely, if the 2nd
> house is empty. Nothing will be able to save the native. Now the planets
> of the 10th and 5th will also turn to be malefic whatever be their
> natural character. Pls clear the above highlighted paragraph. Does it
> applicable to my horoscope or not and Does it holds true. if it is true,
> does there any remedy available to it. My details are 9th July 1977,
> 4.11pm, Delhi. 2) No temple with idols should be constructed even for
> individual worship in a residential house. This is highly inauspicious
> for the natives born with Jupiter in 7th house. can u please put some
> light on it. What i have in my house is a portion of wood where i had
> kept a small idol of lakshmi narayana, which is less than 10 ungli
> (approx). I do not use Ghanta/Ghanti etc. Will it be the same what the
> rule of lal kitab says or not. pls clarify.
> Regards
> aditya

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