Saturday, November 08, 2008

Re: [astrostudents] query

Dear Jatin

I would like to contribute my two cents In the present discussion of Sun+Mer+Ven combination,There are three planets involved namely sun, Mercury and Venus.  Everybody knows that under this trio Mercury will join the Sun and they both will harm Venus. But the question is why Mercury prefers to go with Sun to harm Venus instad of being later's friend? For that, we have to see the points table under the Budh ka Bhed (secret of Mercury). Under this table, points allocated for the planets in question are, Sun -  9, Venus - 7 and Mercury - 4.. We are well aware that Mercury has a nature/habit of Ganga Gaye Ganga Ram, Yanmuna Gaye Yamuna dass, This very Characteristic of Mercury indicates how clever this eunuch planet is. Since Sun is more powerful than Venus, consequently the clever Mercury decides to go with 9 point strong sun instead of 7 point strong Venus.

The concept of Masnooyi or artificial planets is a simple method devised by Pundit ji to know the true nature of a planet. The enigma of divisions,sub-divisions and sub-sub-devisions invented by some of our learned matesis nothing but a futile and lumbering arithmetcal excercise. You can probably "make" all the 9 planets from a single planet or a combination by using this bizarre process (isnt if funny?).

Please remember, that simplicity and candor is the soul of this great scripture, so dont get confused and keep it simple and straightforward. But, if you too believe in the above mentioned "make and break" division, sub-division and sub-sub-division juggernaut - God bless you.

Have a nice day
Yograj Prabhakar

--- On Sat, 8/11/08, Nirmal Kumar Bhardwaj <> wrote:
From: Nirmal Kumar Bhardwaj <>
Subject: Re: [astrostudents] query
Date: Saturday, 8 November, 2008, 3:47 PM

Dear Jatin Ji,
In my opinion, This is soup made by few of fellow friends in which you
are searching the too much but find nothing. First of all we have to
follow the basic rules of the system. Masnooyi is one of the rule of
the system. The rule for sun as far as I remember is that
Sun suppress the planet who is posited with him. In case of three
planets if one of the planet is friend and other is enemy of sun, then
Sun will try to destroy his friend or transfer the bad efect on his
Now coming to Masnooyi.Some of friends made algebra of this concept
try to solve it mathemetically by putting so many notions that they
themselves stuck themselves in this algebra.I term them a Postmortem
astrologers who try to justify any event by hook and crook.
Masnuyi have different type of effect as compare to Pakka Planet.
Masnuyi is the concept used for the purpose of upaya. as far as me is
concerned I am not in favour of this algebric justification system.
Dear Jatin, if one try to keep focus on "what is written in the book" confusion will not touch him.

On 11/8/08, Jattin Kapila <jattinkapila@> wrote:
> sir
> another combination can make out from sun+mer+venus ie sun+venus is JUPITER
> tht becomes jupiter & mercury ithink so the concept is confusing all learned
> members
> can any one solve ths query whether SUN+MERC+VENUS is sun & sun or any other
> combination can be made i dnt know
> --- On Fri, 10/31/08, Jattin Kapila <jattinkapila@> wrote:
> From: Jattin Kapila <jattinkapila@>
> Subject: [astrostudents] query
> To: astrostudents@ yahoogroups. com
> Date: Friday, October 31, 2008, 6:50 AM
> dear members
> i am learner of lal kitab
> my query is
> sir
> is it true
> but bcoz SUN + MERCURY = Nek Mangal
> whether it is nek MARS + VENUS
> or SUN + SUN confused

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