Monday, November 24, 2008

[astrostudents] Re: rahu 1st house

Dear all,

Pardon my intrusion here. I dont have more knowledge than the Masters of Lalkitab present here, but I wish to say that signs do matter in the lalkitab placement of planets, subject to treating the Birth Chart as a Natural Chart whatever ascendant it may be.

Otherwise - Why would be ?

1) Saturn be considered a Malefic 3 times in the first house ? Is it not because the first House is the Exaltation sign of The Sun ?

2) Jupiter be considered as giving Malefic in the 10th ? Is it no because the 10th natural sign Capricorn is the debilitations sign of Jupiter ?

3) Mars considered as malefic in the 4th House ? Is it not because its the debilitation sign of Mars - Cancer ?

4) Sun is considered to be goodin the 5th House ? Is it not because Leo the natural sgn is The Suns own sign ?

5) Moon gives great wealth in the 2nd House ? Is it not because Taurus is the Exaltation sign of Moon in the natural Kala Purusha chart ?

Therefore how can one say that the significance of the signs has been ignored by the author of Lal Kitab ?



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