Saturday, December 04, 2010

[astrostudents] Re: Pakka Ghar no.4, Lal Kitab - 1942 page 20....continued


Respected Nirmalji,

//In my opinion The effect of planet posited in house no 4 will be seen on house where saturn is posited.//

Actually i was not able to distinguish 'iss' and 'uss' word used in this same line in different version of LK.

If Tahreer, Daulat is separated than what does it means ?

Vijay Goel

--- In, "Nirmal Kumar" <nirbhar@...> wrote:
> Dear Vijay Ji,
> I add feew lines more regarding
> Ghar chauthe mein grah jo aawe, Taaseer chander wo hota hai.
> Asar magar jab is ghar mein jawe, sani jaha ki baithe hai
> In my opinion The effect of planet posited in house no 4 will be seen on
> house where saturn is posited. and the nature of the effect on that
> house will be as per the nature of moon as per its placement in the
> horoscope.
> further The line:
> Tahreer daulat ya waqt jawani, rang gina hai chandi ka.
> is actually
> Tahreer, daulat, ya waqt jawani, rang gina hai chandi ka.
> Regards
> Nirmal

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