Respected Sreenadh Ji,
Presently the books transliterated by Pt. Beni Madhav Goswami Ji are not available in electronic format. We can only hope, he may upload it someday. Yes, I totally disagree with Pt Ashant's Jawan theory about lalkitab. I will certainly put some facts shortly. Regarding Planetary Cycles and Mahadasha I can refer the original books page nos. I will try to put a short summary on these.
Nirmal Kumar
--- In, "sreesog" <sreesog@...> wrote:
> Dear Nirmal ji,
> That was a beautiful mail, highly informative! Thanks a lot for
> sharing. [:)]
> //The Author of the book even said that "jo khoob karke dekha aakhir
> khuda ki batein khuda hi jaane"
> The crude translation may be "after going deep in to this, ultimately
> felt that The God knows Better about His deeds"//
> The similar sounding Jataka Chadrika words comes to my mind. I am
> quoting the same below (translation of Dr.Venkata Ramana Rao Komaragiri)
> -
> The learned scholars of astrology examine the positions of the planets
> and predict results, good or bad.
> But they can not accurately assess the relative effects of all the
> planets and say what happens definitely in
> future. Only the Supreme Lord BRHAMAA (VIDHI) alone knows exactly what
> happens in future. So
> wise persons take the astrological predictions only for advice and
> guidance; they act wisely to get best
> results. //
> //Lalkitab has its own set of rules and limitations. Not all the ill
> effects can be cured. In some conditions if an astrologer tries to alter
> the effect of a planet( Called Grah Phal nature of planet) in a
> particular position, he may also prone to ill effect of that planet. //
> Yes, this concept of Dridha (strong) and Adridha (flexible) results
> which is equally present in AIA and LK, I have mentioned in my second
> mail. And I know that as per LK Dridha (strong) results are indicated by
> Planet results (Graha phal) and Adridha (flexible) results are indicated
> by Sign results (Rasi phal); where as in AIA it is said that a result
> that is indicated by Yoga, Dasa and Gochara (Transit) is a Dridha
> (strong) result which cannot be altered by remedies while a result that
> is indicated any one or two among the three -such as Yoga, Dasa and
> Gochara (Transit) - is an Adridha (fluxible) result. Thus even though
> the method of identifying Dridha and Adridha results differ, the concept
> is the same in AIA and LK.
> //H.Beni Madhav Goswami ji has done Four edition(1939,1940,1942,1952)
> while Sh. Yog Raj Prabhakar ji have done one edition(1941- freely
> available for downloading). Now all the true transliterations are
> available, the students can be benefitted from them.//
> I know that the translation of Sh. Yograj Prabhakar ji and is available
> for free download from I have uploaded the same in AIA-DL
> and it is available for download from there as well.
> URL:\
> nloads&Itemid=86&task=viewcategory&catid=59
> <\
> ads&Itemid=86&task=viewcategory&catid=59> But the above lines of yours
> seems to imply that the Hindi translations of 1939-40-42-52 enditions by
> Beni Madhav Goswami ji is also available for free download! If so can
> you please share the link. I couldn't find these files online anywhere.
> If these too available for free download then it is really great!
> //Some methods are given for getting the relief. We can exploit the
> results of planets having in doubtful conditions only. The astrologers
> are also experimenting with new remedial measures invented through this
> system.//
> Yes, the almost all the suggested remedial measures do have a logic
> based on the house system even though they make feel as if without logic
> to the onlooker who is unfamiliar with the system. I agree with you
> completely and agree that is a beauty of LK system.
> // Pt. Krishan Ashant is one of the great astrologers who brought this
> system to common public. Unfortunately as I understood from his books,
> He had not gone through the earlier editions of before 1952 edition. But
> his books overshadowed all the shortcomings as far as the keeping this
> system alive. in my view this book is good for the advanced learners,
> //
> I become interested in LK and started learning LK because of his book
> only. Therefor I would add that his book is good for the beginners and
> advanced learners alike, even though he does not address many major
> points in his book. [:)] (The points he does not mention include the
> House division, Ayanamsa, Dridha-Adridha result classification, Rules
> for identifying Benefic and Malefic planets and so on. But still this
> book is a truly excellent book on LK)
> // These stories are circulated in his book by Ashant Ji and revolves
> around one of the astrologer he claimed to be living in the same village
> where Pt. Rup Chand Joshi lived. Ironically Pt. Rup Chand ji became
> famous and he might become isolated. Is not the jealousy factor in this
> story. Anyhow this is not the purpose of the present mail, I will put
> details later on.
> Some lines in the book has reference about an unknown force e.g. in 1941
> book(third book) it was written that someone who had prompted him to
> publish that third edition'.The stanza is
> "Do chhapey the hissey pehley, Ek yeh banwa gaya"
> (Two parts were printed earlier, now this one was got made ?? by)//
> Your quote and you seem to suggest that LK has nothing to do with the
> Javan (as presented by Krishan Ashant) and is a system presented by Rup
> Chand Joshi ji himself possibly based on his family tradition of
> astrology. Is that so? I would certainly like to hear more on this from
> you.
> //In fact there is no terminology of dasha system in Lalkitab.
> Astrologers have devised their own dasha system from 35 sala Chakra. (35
> year cycle of planets). There is also a mention of 36 Years Cycle.
> But There is a system of Maha dasha but that is totally different from
> the vimshotri and other dasha systems.//
> Are you suggesting that there are a total of two planetary cycles (not
> dasa?) and a third Mahadasa system suggested by LK? Such as -
> 1) 35 year planetary cycle
> 2) 36 year planetary cycle
> 3) A Maha dasa system (How many years? What is its base? How to
> calculate it?)
> I would love to hear more from you about the details of these
> "Planetary cycles" (not dasa?) and the maha dasa system (which is
> different fro vimsottari and other systems) proposed by LK.
> //Yes till date I failed in all the attempts of decoding of this
> varshaphala table. //
> Interesting! That means we should have a logical try on this before
> we wind-up this LK review sequence thread. [;)] [:D]
> // No system of house division is followed in the lalkitab. LK has
> clarified that signs and nakshatras are to be forgotten for this system.
> Actually this book is based on palmistry.This may be one of the reasons
> the readers find it difficult to understand as mostly terminology is
> palmistry based not astrology based.
> Horoscope is supposed to be made on the basis of lines, signs on the
> palms. But the author has advised students that till perfection they
> should follow traditional horoscope making on the basis of Birth time.
> It is further advised to correct the horoscope on the basis of factual
> studies and events(These factual positions can be Palmistry lines,
> Samudrik, Kyafa(Body actions types & Signs) before using this horoscope
> for interpretation. . //
> OK.
> // In my presumption it may be related with palmistry. The first mount
> belongs to Jupiter. The crude way to justify the sequence is take two
> mounts owners from top of the palm Ju – Su, Take Two female owners
> from the bottom of palm- Mo-Ve, Owner of Two mounts of Middle of palm-
> Mars, Take remaining four of Mukhannas Plates (Eunuch term is used in
> English But not an appropriate term) i.e Two Mount from the top whose
> owners are Mukhannas Planets – Me-Sa and two from bottom part
> outside the palm area Ra-Ke( Rahu and ketu have not given any space in
> Palm) though they have forcible taken the house no 6-12 on palm//
> That is an interesting insight! Thanks for sharing. [:)]
> //Like you I still at learning stage of the system. It is a welcome step
> that the learned like you have now showing inclination towards this
> unique system. //
> I am just a student of this system and as the days goes by and I
> understand more and more about this system, my respect for it is also
> increasing. It is our luck that LK scholars like Your good self and
> Bhooshan Priya ji are here with us to share your decades of experience
> and understanding about this system with us all. [:)] (We do miss
> scholars like Kishan Ashant ji and Yograj Prabhakar ji in this group -
> if they too were here, it would have been a great feast of knowledge for
> sure! Anyway without their presence as well, with the presence of you
> all, it is no less) [:)] [:x]
> Note: I would humbly request you to comment in similar detailed manner
> on my second mail on LK-Review as well; The mail with the title -
> "Lalkitab Review - 2 "
> Love and regards,
> Sreenadh
> --- In, "Nirmal Kumar"
> <nirbhar@> wrote:
> Dear Sreenadh Ji,
> You have given a first hand count of a mind of preliminary student of
> lalkitab system of astrology. I had also the same queries and confusions
> when I started exploring this system. A lot of confusion was added by
> the then available books. But as I studied the original literature these
> confusions are going away slowly and slowly. I adding my views about
> this system concerning to your perceptions. These are in red color.
> Yours are in black
> To review any system first one should understand that system. A woman
> takes 10 months to deliver a baby. So to learn and review this system I
> should spend at least 10 day - because I am starting from a blank slate;
> i.e. I knew almost nothing about this system.
> It might be bit surprising, but it is usually easy to approach a
> system and learn more in less time, if you are NOT a student of that
> system. A student progresses linearly through the path guided by the
> teacher, but
> "the seeker/searcher/researcher takes jumps! Rather than trying to
> understand the system sequentially, he tries to find answers to the
> doubts that arise in him as and when he encounters new concepts; he is
> more guided by his inner quest and logic in the path he takes - than by
> the book and tradition. My state when I tried to approach this system
> was also the same."
> // I agree absolutely with your views. I had also jumped upon this
> system in the same way. Same queries gaps were initially presumed by me
> but slowly and slowly these are being wiped off. //
> Some questions I got, some answers too; some gaps I found, many merits
> too. Some doubts got cleared some still hang in midair.
> Lalkitab systems (here after LK) is different from most of the other
> off shoots of Oriental astrology due to many reasons. Some of the
> readily visible factors about this system to the public are that -
> * Unlike the Sanskrit based other astro systems, Lalkitab is written in
> Urudu.
> // The Author of the book is a from Punjab and at that time the
> official language was Urdu in addition to Hindi & Punjabi(This mixture
> in my opinion is called shahmukhi). But Mostly the people used to read
> Urdu. One of the main reasons for this book in this transcription is
> that the author did not know Sanskrit and he might have thought it to be
> the best way to express this system in the local language.//
> * LK gives much importance to Remedies some of which at times seems
> illogical. It strongly argues that you can cure the ill effects caused
> by planets by doing x and y things.
> // I feel all the system of astrology gives same importance to remedies
> and each system has it own way of prescribing medicine (remedy).I don't
> feel that astrology can survive only by giving importance to prediction.
> In my views, the prediction in public was not the integral part or
> motive of astrology. In Lalkitab 1952 a chapter "Farman No 4-Aalim ko
> ilam mein Shaq kya hai(What is the doubt in the minds of people about
> this system?) This chapter shows the state of mind of the author while
> writing this book.
> The Author of the book even said that "jo khoob karke dekha aakhir
> khuda ki batein khuda hi jaane"
> The crude translation may be "after going deep in to this, ultimately
> felt that The God knows Better about His deeds"
> Regarding curing of ill effects of planets by doing X and y things, as I
> understand from so far from my studies, Lalkitab has its own set of
> rules and limitations. Not all the ill effects can be cured. In some
> conditions if an astrologer tries to alter the effect of a planet(
> Called Grah Phal nature of planet) in a particular position, he may also
> prone to ill effect of that planet. //
> * An aura of mystery is present around lalkitab not only because of
> its name which means "Red Book", but also because of numerous other
> factors such as –
> --- it is in Urudu which most of the hindi speakers are not much
> familiar with (the first hindi version of LK appeared only in 1952).
> --- printed versions of this text was not available (hand written
> copies and photocopies of this book was getting circulated)
> --- there was not one but many versions of the book getting
> circulated with the name lalkitab. (Pt. Rup chand Joshi published 5
> books on lalkitab such as in 1939, 1940, 1941,1942 and finally in 1952;
> and in 1952 the hindi version of lalkitab came out with the name "Aruna
> samhita"; and numerous others wrote lalkitab related books with the very
> name 'lalkitab' itself. No wonder it caused much confusion)
> // Some astrologers did transliterate the books in solo efforts. But
> these transliterations were done in a crude way. Last book of Lalkitab
> was published in 1952. It was not popular then. Hence I don't think that
> the first hindi book appeared in 1952. Hindi speakers beyond delhi may
> face problem in understanding the meaning of many words of the Lalkitab.
> But person having Punjab or erstwhile Punjab of Pakistan may not face
> much problem. In my opinion even the urdu speakers from Hindi belt of UP
> Bihar & MP may also face problem of understanding many words in lalkitab
> as these words are from the Punjabi dialact consisting of shahmukhi,
> Pothohari and other Punjabi area dailacts.
> Hare Krishna Press from Chandigarh have translated and published all
> the five books in a crude manner. Though these books become one of the
> main contributors for making this system popular but these books have
> too much mistakes and errors, which also contributes to increase the
> mystery about these books. Now the Hindi transliteration of all the five
> editions which present true essenceof original Urdu books as
> transliteration is done line to line and page to page. These books have
> same lines and same pages as the original books have.SH.Beni Madhav
> Goswami ji has done Four edition(1939,1940,1942,1952) while Sh. Yog Raj
> Prabhakar ji have done one edition(1941- freely available for
> downloading). Now all the true transliterations are available, the
> students can be benefitted from them. The original urdu versions are
> also available on internet for reading online.//
> --- it does not follow the systematic approach found in other
> traditional astrological books but instead presents things as if some
> revelation
> //I was also of the opinion earlier. But once we go through all the
> books the system becomes familiar . The author has also suggested the
> method of reading in the books itself//
> --- in none of the lalkitab versions the author was not mentioned
> (The 1939 version of the book mentioned the printer cum publishers name
> as "Giridhari lal Sharma" which many took as the name of the author
> then. Later only it came to light that Pt. Rup chandi Joshi is the real
> author of the book)
> // Yes, The name of author is not mentioned in the book. But the persons
> who know Pt. Rup Chand Joshi Ji and others who contributed financially
> and by other means have also confirmed that Pt. Rup Chand Joshi Ji had
> written these books.//
> --- Unlike other astro-systems it spoke a unique terminology and
> language and mentioned a remedy for almost everything.
> // For the people like me of present generation may feel this
> terminology unique. But in the rural areas these terminology still
> exists. As we read the books it becomes clear that person or his
> generations has also to eat the fruits of trees which were sown by his
> ancestors. Some methods are given for getting the relief. We can exploit
> the results of planets having in doubtful conditions only. The
> astrologers are also experimenting with new remedial measures invented
> through this system.//
> --- Even thought the text is in Urudu, LK mentions and speaks about
> the Hindu godes and not about gods of other cultures.
> // You are right. We in the childhood were made to understand that Urdu
> is a language of Muslims. But as we grew and found that it is a common
> language. Slowly and steadily we understand that a book in Urdu script
> does not means that it does not belong to Hindus. Indians have adopted
> this language irrespective of their religion.//
> No wonder that people felt it bit mysterious.
> Stories began to circulate about Lalkitab such as –
> -- it is Arabic astrology [since it is in Urudu]
> -- it is a book written by Aruna the coach driver of God Sun [based on
> the name given to 1952 hindi version of lal kitab as "Aruna samhita"
> which was nothing but an effort to do literal transilation of the word
> 'lal kitab' in to Sanskrit, where Aruna means 'lal' (red) and Samhita
> was used to refer to 'kitab' (book)] The story improved to say that,
> Ravana took away the book to Lanka, the book then reached Arebia and was
> translated into Arabic and Persian languages. And then into Urudu and
> thus came into existence 'lalkitab' alias 'aruna samhita' that is known
> to as today.
> // all above is myths circulated by many SCPs ( Self claimed Pundits) of
> astrology.//
> Everything has a limit and every mystery should end once. The same was
> the case with such mysteries and stories as well. In modern times, in
> the seventies and after more and more people started learning LK system
> and good book about the same started to come out. Possibly one of the
> best among them is the book "Lal Kitab Astrology - Background and
> Exposition" by Pd. Krishan Ashant. But please note that the good authors
> on LK system is not limited to Krishan Ashant alone but many others too
> are there.
> // Pt. Krishan Ashant is one of the great astrologers who brought this
> system to common public. Unfortunately as I understood from his books,
> He had not gone through the earlier editions of before 1952 edition. But
> his books overshadowed all the shortcomings as far as the keeping this
> system alive. in my view this book is good for the advanced learners,
> //
> The researches by such scholars brought out many facts such as –
> * Books on LK system were written by Pt. Rup Chand Joshi of Pharwala,
> Panjab.
> * The story behind is that - a soldier from Himachal Pradesh (his name
> is unknown) working in Army as per the request of his officer presented
> his astro knowledge into some hand written books. The officer gave the
> copies to Pt.Rup Cahnd Joshi for review and study. Later when Pt.Rup
> Chand Joshi went to his native village in Pharwala he took the books
> along with, studied it, and later started publishing books on the same.
> He mentioned neither his name nor the name of the Javan who actually
> contributed this knowledge to him through that handwritten book
> anywhere. Surprisingly those notes also never got published and none
> really knows whether such notes existed or existing or not. However
> scholars like Krishan Ashant presents some witness accounts stating that
> some of the friends of Pt.Rup Cahnd Joshi actually saw those hand
> written notes. (Anyway it is not clear what amount of info comes from
> those notes and what amount from Pt. Rup Chand Joshi himself - and
> possibly that would never be get revealed as well, since Pt. Rup Chand
> is no more and none seems have traced any clue in this direction till
> date.)
> // These stories are circulated in his book by Ashant Ji and revolves
> around one of the astrologer he claimed to be living in the same village
> where Pt. Rup Chand Joshi lived. Ironically Pt. Rup Chand ji became
> famous and he might become isolated. Is not the jealousy factor in this
> story. Anyhow this is not the purpose of the present mail, I will put
> details later on.
> Some lines in the book has reference about an unknown force e.g. in 1941
> book(third book) it was written that someone who had prompted him to
> publish that third edition'.The stanza is
> "Do chhapey the hissey pehley, Ek yeh banwa gaya"
> (Two parts were printed earlier, now this one was got made ?? by)//
> * It got clarified that LK is a unique and versatile system, an off
> shoot of Oriental astrology, as practiced in the hilly places of
> Himachal pradesh, Utteranchal and some parts of Kashmir. (Anyway apart
> from this argument, not much info or proofs are available in this
> direction. No existing practitioner of the system, who follows this
> system without depending on the books of Pt. Rup Cahnd Joshi ever showed
> up.)
> * The logic behind the remedies, the results to be told, the
> systematic approach to leaning all started coming into light.
> And thus gradually improved the reputation of the lalkitab system, and
> more and more people started practicing it. It is advisable to the
> traditional indian astrologers who are trying to understand this system
> as well to first keep aside the confusing jungle of remedies and try to
> understand the conceptual core. Otherwise you would confused about the
> primarily petty looking jungle of remedies, which used by the local
> astrologers similar to ready reckoner without knowing the logic behind,
> making not only themselves but also the system itself a laughing stoke
> for the somewhat knowledgeable. The blame should go not to the LK system
> itself, but to the money minded astrologers who are not interested in
> learning this system systematically but only in making money.
> Anyway, coming back to the history of astrology, thus it becomes clear
> that nothing much is known about the history of this system before AD.
> 1939 and it seems that even the mystical history of this system is
> struck with this year or a few years before which Pt. Rup Chand was in
> army. Thus the natural first quest that arises is to know at least a
> guess bit about the history and origin of this system before this
> period. Let us start from the basic info about the system. The
> following points should be noted –
> * LK does not speaks anything about which Ayanamsa to use. Astrologers
> use what they prefer. Now a days most of them are using Lahari Ayanamsa.
> * LK does clarify much about the dasa system to use, even though it
> propose a 35 year dasa cycle, similar to the 36 year cycle of Yogini
> dasa followed in Himachal Pradesh region. None knows correctly how to
> use this dasa system and LK does not say much about it. Some use it
> similar to Nasargika dasa (e.g. Pt.Krishan Ashant), and some use it
> similar to the Yogini or Vimsottari dass system based on the position of
> Moon in Nakshatra (e.g. Pt. Bhooshan Priya). There are many other
> methods too which many suggest, but the truth remains that none is even
> sure where (in which planet) to start the dasa sequence. (Thus it
> remains a controversial and un-clarified subject)
> //In fact there is no terminology of dasha system in Lalkitab.
> Astrologers have devised their own dasha system from 35 sala Chakra. (35
> year cycle of planets). There is also a mention of 36 Years Cycle.
> But There is a system of Maha dasha but that is totally different from
> the vimshotri and other dasha systems.//
> * LK proposes a Varsha phala table - but none is sure about the logic
> behind it or even whether it is based on solar return, lunar return or
> what ever.
> //Yes till date I failed in all the attempts of decoding of this
> varshaphala table. //
> * LK gives more importance to Houses than to signs, but it is not
> clear which house division system to use (equal or unequal; lagna at the
> beginning of the house or middle of the house etc). Similar to
> traditional indian astrology most of LK astrologers consider signs
> itself as houses, but even with my limited experiments this does not
> seem to work. Scholars like Pt. Bhooshan Priya considers lagna as the
> mid point of house and I think this is more logical and close to reality
> regarding the use of this system. LK is totally silent on this matter.
> The point is if not a proper house reckoning system is selected, giving
> too much importance to house does not make sense; and if sign as houses
> rule is accepted then in many cases the results told by traditional
> astrology would be in direct conflict with the results told by LK
> system. Considering all these Pt.Bhooshan Priya ji seems to be in right
> direction even though there are almost none who follows that style. Pt.
> Krishan Ashant too does not address this point in his book.
> // No system of house division is followed in the lalkitab. LK has
> clarified that signs and nakshatras are to be forgotten for this system.
> Actually this book is based on palmistry.This may be one of the reasons
> the readers find it difficult to understand as mostly terminology is
> palmistry based not astrology based.
> Horoscope is supposed to be made on the basis of lines, signs on the
> palms. But the author has advised students that till perfection they
> should follow traditional horoscope making on the basis of Birth time.
> It is further advised to correct the horoscope on the basis of factual
> studies and events(These factual positions can be Palmistry lines,
> Samudrik, Kyafa(Body actions types & Signs) before using this horoscope
> for interpretation. . //
> * The Planetary sequence followed by LK is unique. Unlike other
> sytems, in almost in every situation the sequence it refers to is :
> Ju-Su-Mo-Ve-Ma-Me-Sa-Ra-Ke
> Does any of the above points give us any clue regarding the origin
> and history of this system? Even if they don't, I think they can. I
> would like to present two major points -
> 1) If proper house division is essential for the results told by
> Lalkitab to become correct, then it means that this system came into
> existence AFTER the period of Sripati (1019-1066) of 11th century AD,
> who proposed a house system possibly for the first time in India where
> sign is not equal to the house. (In traditional Indian Astrology before
> the period of Sripati, Sign = House, without exception).
> //In my opinion this system is much older as there is very negligible
> part of mathematics is used.//
> 2) The Planetary sequence followed by an astrological system is
> usually a good pointer towards its place of origin. For example –
> Sl
> Planetary Sequence
> Place of origin
> 1
> Su-Mo-Ju-Ve-Me-Sa-Ma
> Uruk, Babylonia, Parthian, Selucid
> 2
> Mo-Su-Ju-Ve-Sa-Me-Ma
> Chaldean (Neo-babylonian)
> 3
> Su-Mo-Ma-Me-Ju-Ve-Sa
> Indian
> 4
> Su-Mo-Sa-Ju-Ma-Ve-Me
> Greek
> And now we are stuck with this new sequence proposed by LK. That is
> –
> Ju-Su-Mo-Ve-Ma-Me-Sa-Ra-Ke
> Unlike the above seqences which starts with Sun or Moon the LK sequence
> starts with Jupiter! Is that a mistake? If we, re-arrange and put Ju at
> the end then too the sequence stand out as unique, not only because it
> includes Rahu and Ketu as well but also because the sequence does not
> have much of a similarity with none of the above sequences! Thus it
> seems that LK system has an identity of its own, and possibly an
> astronomical and astrological tradition of its own which can be traced
> possibly to the ancient kingdoms in the hilly regions of himalaya itself
> or may be (it is just a wild guess) to some countries and cultures that
> existed just beyond himalaya like the Kamboja kingdom or so. As of now I
> am unable to prove anything about its place or origin based on the
> planetary sequence followed by LK, but definitely it could be a worthy
> clue if clubbed with further evidences.
> // In my presumption it may be related with palmistry. The first mount
> belongs to Jupiter. The crude way to justify the sequence is take two
> mounts owners from top of the palm Ju – Su, Take Two female owners
> from the bottom of palm- Mo-Ve, Owner of Two mounts of Middle of palm-
> Mars, Take remaining four of Mukhannas Plates (Eunuch term is used in
> English But not an appropriate term) i.e Two Mount from the top whose
> owners are Mukhannas Planets – Me-Sa and two from bottom part
> outside the palm area Ra-Ke( Rahu and ketu have not given any space in
> Palm) though they have forcible taken the house no 6-12 on palm//
> I am still trying to learn and understand this system. In the coming
> days I will share more of my thoughts about this system so that we can
> proceed to a comparison and conclusion regarding its compatibility with
> AIA.
> //Like you I still at learning stage of the system. It is a welcome step
> that the learned like you have now showing inclination towards this
> unique system. //
> Regards,
> Nirmal Kumar Bhardwaj
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
[astrostudents] Re: Lalkitab - Some historical thoughts
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