Wednesday, December 22, 2010

[astrostudents] Re: Pakka Ghar no. 5, Lal Kitab 52, page 68-69


Dear Members,

In continuation of House number 5, i am adding the text from LK-52, Pakka ghar 5, page 68-69

गुरु टेवे में जब तक उम्दा à¤"लाद दुखी न होती हो.
Guru á¹­Ä"vÄ" mÄ"ṁ jaba taka umdā aulāda dukhÄ« na hōtÄ« hō. 
पांच पापी गुरु मंदा टेवे बिजली चमक आ देती हो.
PānÌ„ca pāpÄ« guru mandā á¹­Ä"vÄ" bijalÄ« camaka ā dÄ"tÄ« hō

Till Jupiter is good , children will not suffer.
Papi = RKS (rahu-ketu-saturn) in 5H and Jupiter is malefic, it will act as an electric lightening of storm.
शनि शुक्कर या दो कोई मंद बिजली कड़कती मंदी हो.
 Åšani Å›ukkara yā dō kō'Ä« manda bijalÄ« kaá¹›akatÄ« mandÄ« hō.
If saturn, venus or both is malefic, it will act as a thunder lightening storm. 

As stated in the LK on same page : 
1) If in 5H there is venus + sun or only sun or only jupiter than in varshphal whenever RKS or venus comes in House no. 1 at that time health will be weak (native get sick \ ill).
2) If RKS or venus+mercury is in 5H than in varshphal whenever sun or jupiter comes in House no.1 than health will become weak and will not recover till next child birth. 

चन्द्र भला तो चमक हो उम्दा असर हालत दो जल्दी हो.
Candra bhalā tō camaka hō umdā asara hālata dō jaldī hō.
If moon is benign than at earliest, it will convert lightening into a sparkle. [ie storm of above will turn into nice bright soothing weather.]

I think 5H indicate own's health, so if saturn or venus or both are weak than owns health will fall but if moon is good than recovery of health will be very fast.
वजह चमक घर तीसरे होगी कड़क निसानी ग्यारह हो.
Vajaha camaka ghara tÄ«sarÄ" hōgÄ« kaá¹›aka nisānÄ« gyāraha hō.
The reasons for shining \ lightening will be 3H and symptoms of thunder from 11H.

Again meaning of above verse  is not clear and i think we must remind the verse " उम्र पहली हों ग्यारह शक्की ग्रह तीजे जब मंदा हों ". 

तीन खाली घर आठ से पड़ती उलट हालत पड़े आठ पे हो.
TÄ«na khālÄ« ghara āṭha sÄ" paá¹›atÄ« ulaá¹­a hālata paá¹›Ä" āṭha pÄ" hō.
Empty 3H is makes 8H fall and vice versa ?
This text is unclear. It needs more elaboration.

Again this above both verses are related to health and 3H and 8H are related to cause of death.
Remind the verse " मौत रुकेगी आठ से उठती बैठा तीजे ख्वाह केसा हों"  

घर ३-४ या ९ हो मंदा बुरा असर ५ देता हो.
Ghara 3-4 yā 9 hō mandā burā asara 5 dÄ"tā hō.
If 3H,4H or 9H is malefic than 5H will give negative results.

६-१० वें ख्वाह दोस्त उसका शत्रु जहरी आ होता हो.
6-10 VÄ"ṁ khvāha dōsta usakā Å›atru jaharÄ« ā hōtā hō.
Planets in 6H or 10H even if friends will act as poisonous enemies.

अपना लिखा अहवाल आइन्दा गुरु रवि से चलता हो.
Apanā likhā ahavāla ā'indā guru ravi sÄ" calatā hō.
Owns future events (destiny), Jupiter moves as per sun.

केतु भला तो सब कुछ उम्दा राहू मन्दे सब उलट हो.
KÄ"tu bhalā tō saba kucha umdā rāhÅ« mandÄ" saba ulaá¹­a hō.
If Ketu is nice than everything is marvelous, if Rahu is malefic than all is reversed.


Vijay Goel

--- In, "Nirmal Kumar" <nirbhar@...> wrote:
> Dear Vijay Ji,
> I am giving my opinion in green text.
> घर ५ वां है ज्ञान
> गुरु का तेज तपस्या
> होता है.House fifth is the place of knowledge and
> austerities.
> "is place of knowledge "- I feel it should be "represents wisdom"
> �"लाद, जनम ता उम्र
> बुढ़ापा, महल बचत
> �"लाद के है.It indicate life of child
> from there born to old age, there house\assets and savings.
> " Indicate life of child from there born to old age"- In my opinion it
> should be "the period from the birth from one's(native's) child birth to
> the his(native,s) old age(not child old age)
> पाचो ही इन्द्री,
> हाजमा उसका, गर्मी,
> शोहरत, नेकी है.All five senses,
> digestion, energy, fame, righteousness. "all five senses"- in my opinion
> it should be "Power of all senses" अक्ल,
> ज्ञान, समझ हो साया
> इल्म, सबर-ईमान भी
> है.Intelligence, Knowledge, Understanding, Skillfulness,
> Patience, Honesty.
> " knowledge "- in my opinion the word "wisdom" may be more suitable
> रोशनी पक्की घर पहले
> की, हवा अच्छी घर ५
> वें है.It is fixed house of Sun, 'Hawa' Jupiter is
> good here.
> दोनों पक्की, इस जा
> इक्कठी, दीवार मशरिकी
> कुंडली है.
> Both are fixed house, if are joint, indicate east side wall.
> Both above two verses needs more explanation.
> In my opinion its meaning should be " the sun is best in House no one
> and Jupiter in fifth(fourth can also be considered)" both the energies
> are together sure good in this house ". The fifth house also represents
> eastern side wall of the house.
> उम्र �"लाद, तो सेहत
> अपनी, घर ५ वें से
> लेते है.Age of child, Owns health, is taken from
> this house.Please note Health of the Native is also considered from this
> house.There is no mount which represent house no 5. Only The Health line
> in Palm represent house no 5.
> घर ३-९ या ४ हों
> मंदे, असर बुरा ५
> गिनते है.If 3-9 or 4 is malefic than 5H results
> are turn into malefic.
> रवि, गुरु, दोनों से
> कोई, घर १० वें जा
> बैठा हो.५ वें घर
> ख्वाह दोस्त इसका,
> जहरी दुश्मन होता है.If
> either of Sun or Jupiter is in 10H than even friend in 5H will act as
> enemy.
> This is an important rule for house no 5 & 10 and always be kept in
> mind.
> रवि, गुरु, �"र राहू
> केतु, कही भी इसके
> बैठे हो.फल वैसे ही
> घर ५ वें के, उस
> टेवे में होते है.Sun,
> Jupiter and Rahu, Ketu, sitting anywhere in the horoscope,They will
> modify the results of 5H.
> Important point is the influence of position of Rahu in this house.
> In addition to above few topics which are also have mention in para
> after these poetic lines in the same page are
> -swabhav (temprament or nature) of native whether dry, hot and very
> hot.,
> -the power of sun related to body- breathing, soul, energy,
> light,air,power of all five senses, digestion Saya Insaan (its simple
> meaning is shadow of human, but in my opinion it true meaning is life of
> human)
> -future Birth of native
> - the items related to natives progeny - which can be produced with
> others help
> - very important point and contrary to the general rules- Sun and
> Jupiter are considered as of rashi phal .
> Regards
> Nirmal
> --- In, "vijay.goel" goyalvj@ wrote:
> >
> > Dear Members,
> >
> > I am producing commentary on the Pakka Ghar no.5, Lal Kitab 1942, page
> > 21.
> >
> > घर ५ वां है ज्ञान
> > गुरु का तेज तपस्या
> > होता है.House fifth is the place of knowledge and
> > austerities.
> > हवा, रोशनी, लकड़े,
> > पोते, वक़्त आइन्दा
> > होता है.Air, light, sons, grandsons, future time.
> > �"लाद, जनम ता उम्र
> > बुढ़ापा, महल बचत
> �"लाद
> > के है.It indicate life of child from there born to
> old
> > age, there house\assets and savings.
> > पाचो ही इन्द्री,
> > हाजमा उसका, गर्मी,
> > शोहरत, नेकी है.All five senses,
> > digestion, energy, fame, righteousness.
> > अक्ल, ज्ञान, समझ हो
> > साया इल्म, सबर-ईमान
> > भी है.Intelligence, Knowledge, Understanding,
> > Skillfulness, Patience, Honesty. पैवंदी जो
> > पौधे गिने तो, खाली
> > जगह दर ऊँगली है.Plant which
> > sprout from stem, gap between fingers.
> > रोशनी पक्की घर
> पहले
> > की, हवा अच्छी घर ५
> > वें है.It is fixed house of Sun, 'Hawa' Jupiter is
> > good here.
> > दोनों पक्की, इस जा
> > इक्क� ी, दीवार
> मशरिकी
> > कुंडली है.
> > Both are fixed house, if are joint, indicate east side wall.
> > Both above two verses needs more explanation.
> >
> > उम्र �"लाद, तो सेहत
> > अपनी, घर ५ वें से
> > लेते है.Age of child, Owns health, is taken from
> > this house.Please note Health of the Native is also considered from
> this
> > house.
> > घर ३-९ या ४ हों
> > मंदे, असर बुरा ५
> > गिनते है.If 3-9 or 4 is malefic than 5H results
> > are turn into malefic.
> > रवि, गुरु, दोनों से
> > कोई, घर १० वें जा
> > बै� ा हो.५ वें घर
> > ख्वाह दोस्त इसका,
> > जहरी दुश्मन होता
> है.If
> > either of Sun or Jupiter is in 10H than even friend in 5H will act as
> > enemy.
> > रवि, गुरु, �"र राहू
> > केतु, कही भी इसके
> > बै� े हो.फल वैसे ही
> > घर ५ वें के, उस
> > टेवे में होते है.Sun,
> > Jupiter and Rahu, Ketu, sitting anywhere in the horoscope,They will
> > modify the results of 5H.
> >
> > It is requested to discuss on it.
> >
> > Thankyou
> > Regards,
> > Vijay Goel
> > Mob : +91 9214502239
> >
> >

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