Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Re: [astrostudents] Upayagers or Astrologers ?



Can you tell me, at the time you started learning KP system of astrology, were you in a position or did ask the same question at the very beginning of your learning process that : HOW TO MAKE PREDICTIONS with this system at the time of purchase of books before reading or going through them in detail, so, that was the only time factor and your involvement in Learning and understanding that system, and the out come was that, what you said:


I usually practice KP system of astrology; I have been able to make many successful predictions

Both on horary and natal chart.


I may like to mention, that a person, who understands this system of LAL KITAB predictions, is enabled to predict timing of events and influences of various planets on living beings with accuracy only by looking at a person, his hand, face, head, nose, eyes, residential place of a person, pets and other animals kept by him, his color of clothes and eating habits, his behavior with his fellow beings and his relatives, condition of his relatives etc, and he can also guide very accurately with very easy to perform and very low cost remedies, which work very fast and are easily affordable by a common man, because every person can't afford high cost remedies, which are advised by traditional ones.


Further it is also a part of this system that no lengthy mathematical calculations are involved as you are used to do while doing your calculation work. You might have also noticed, there are various AYNAMSHA, such as N.C. LEHRI, SRI SANATAN, K.P. I,  K.P.II, B.V. RAMANA and many more, and every time you change this factor, you will find a difference in your calculation base, how did you rectify and correct that difference, whereas on the contrary, no such calculations are required in LAL KITAB system of prediction.


I am writing this mail at this given time:

Date of doing calculation: 02/JUN/2009

Time of doing calculation: 07:00 PM

Place of doing calculation: DELHI


Vimshotri Dasha Balance:                                       AYANAMSHA USED:


3 years 10 months 12 days------------------------------N.C.LEHRI

3 years 09 months 14 days------------------------------K.P.

2 years 09 months 12 days------------------------------B.V.RAMANA

From the above table of Vimshotri Mahadasha, can you pin point out which table can be used with the utmost accuracy, because every one tries to stand at it's best level of accuracy.


With regards…..rabinder bhandari

2009/6/2 Gautam.Rampal <gautam.rampal@gmail.com>

I usually practice KP system of astrology, I have been able to make many successful predictions
both on horary and natal chart.

This year in delhi a Nakshatra exhibition was held, out of curiousity i went to a stall which
was dedicated to lal kitab books, the author was present there.

I too bought couple of books, i asked him how to make predictions using lal kitab he said that
predictions cannot be made from lal kitab, its main use is to neutralise the bad planetary effects.


On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 11:45 AM, kulbir bance <kulbirbance@gmail.com> wrote:

Sir, to check and verify the nature of planets corresponding to past
events and present/prevailing conditions like vaastu, physique, palm,
status of and with different relatives and to suggest remedies to the
native to enhance positive planatary influence and minimise negative
influence to take benefit of doubt is one thing. To predict future is
totally different aspect. Lalkitab places a certain degree of command
in native's hands which he may use either way. So how is it possible
to predict future with certainity. Also e.g. In case of Combined
destiny of father-son. Or like in some cases like the one discussed in
the last part of 1952 edition the birth of the son brought a windfall
gains in the father's life. How can u predict when the son is still
not born. Another e.g. is the case of copper mixed gold bangles which
were cut and resulted in misfortune. Lalkitab in its introduction says
that the purpose of the book is to nullify hinderances in results
promised by stars and provide some sort of protective gear against
possible calamities. Only major events can be foretoled that too which
are of the capacity to be written with INK OF BLOOD. Lalkitab emphasis
that Astrology is the study of planatary TENDENCIES. when tendency is
not certain how can the predictions be pin point? Regards. Kulbir.

On 6/2/09, Finn Wandahl <finn.wandahl@mail.dk> wrote:
> Dear Members,
> The discussion going on at the moment is very interesting to follow. The
> importance of Tewa Darusthi is being emphasized, which is always very
> good, since Lal Kitab is an Ascendant-based kind of astrology. I have
> been able to notice bad examples of Lal Kitab astrologers giving out
> Upayas to people without doing any kind of Tewa Darusthi. This means
> these ignorant astrologers cannot possibly be sure if the chart is
> correctly calculated or not.
> As a matter of fact this is not the first time a problem like this have
> been seen in India. Around the 7th century AD the great
> astronomer/astrologer Varaha Mihira wrote that a miscalculation of an
> astrologer is as sinful as the murder of a Brahmin. Actually, I think
> this proves that there was astrologers who was indiscriminately using
> wrong chart even at the time of Varaha Mihira. Otherwise he would never
> have given such a strong statement.
> My personal opinion is that any astrologer who is using an
> Ascendant-based kind of astrology without verifying whether or not the
> Ascendant is correct is nothing but a big charlatan. However, this goes
> on every day and it surely gives a bad name to Lal Kitab, when the
> charlatans belong to this category of astrologers. Anyway, there is not
> so much we can do about this problem, except to do our very best when
> we, who are supposed to be the good guys, do the horoscopes ourselves.
> But are we really doing our best, or are some of us perhaps getting a
> little lazy? This is actually a very important question. Since - after
> all - no astrologer, however big or famous, is any better than the last
> horoscope he did.
> There is a certain critizism about Lal Kitab astrologers that I have
> often among the other kinds of Hindu astrologers and even among some few
> western astrologers as well. They say, when you consult a Lal Kitab
> astrologer, he will ask you a number of highly relevant questions about
> your life, which clearly confirms the correctness of your chart, and he
> would even pin-point at certain events going on in certain years of the
> past. He may even say thing about the present situations, being
> precisely correct. But when it comes to the future, he either can or
> will not give any predictions at all, but rather gives a large number of
> Upayas (remedies) to guard agains any bad elements in the near future,
> normally without even telling what malefic event the remedy is supposed
> to guard against.
> No doubt a lot of relevant things are being said during an Lal Kitab
> consultation. I mean say, if Saturn is malefic in the 6th in the
> Varshphal we would caution against buying new leather shoes in that
> year. This is in my opinion a good and sound piece of astrological
> advice. And we have a lot of relevant information like that to share
> with our clients. But given the knowledge about the past and present
> that we present to the client, isn't it only natural that he/she also
> expect something like that to be said about the future? And not only
> Upayas, however relevant they may be.
> I think there is some element of truth is this critizism against Lal
> Kitab astrologers. If I am right then we need to ask ourselves some
> questions: Are we becoming so arrogant against astrology that we no
> longer care about giving predictions about the future? Did Pt. Roop
> Chand Joshi ever say anything against giving predictions about the
> future? (Except of course that predictions should be given with due
> caution and all the necessary ethical consideration, etc. etc.). Are we
> somehow forgetting what it means to be astrologers? Are we developing
> into Upayagers rather then Astrologers?
> Best regards,
> Finn Wandahl

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