Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Re: [astrostudents] Upayagers or Astrologers ?

Guruji, is the ceremony of kanyadaan required at the time of this type
of remarriage or can it be bypassed. Regards. Kulbir.

On 6/9/09, Yograj Prabhakar <yr_prabhakar@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Dear Iqbal ji
> Thanks for your kind words. Out of my three "remarriages" two were performed
> according to Janam kundli of my wife when Venus of 4th came back to the 4th
> house during her 29th and 41st year's Varshphal. And the third one was
> performed when Venus came in the 4th house and Rahu came in the 5th house
> during my 39th year's Varshphal.
> As far as using the photograph for remarriage is concerned, you know very
> well that like majority of our group members I too belongs to the old school
> of Lal Kitab, therefore under no circumstances I will prescribe such
> whimsical remedy because it is neither mentioned in the Lal kitab not I
> heard it from any old school  veterans. In my opinion a remarriage must be a
> proper remarriage because deviation from the original principles of Lal
> Kitab may prove counter productive.
> Sincerely
> Yograj Prabhakar
> --- On Tue, 9/6/09, Iqbal Singh <punjabilovebug@yahoo.com> wrote:
> From: Iqbal Singh <punjabilovebug@yahoo.com>
> Subject: Re: [astrostudents] Re: Upayagers or Astrologers ?
> To: astrostudents@yahoogroups.com
> Date: Tuesday, 9 June, 2009, 9:09 AM
> Respected Yograj Bhai,
> Thank you for sharing this information as your plethora of experiences are
> always most notable and applicable to real-world scenarios.
> Out of curiosity, were the three times you performed marriage yourself based
> on strictly janam kundli or a combination of janam kundali and varshphal?
> Also - I have heard that some persons marry their spouse the second time
> using their photograph, either due to needs of discretion or an unsupportive
> partner. Can you please comment on whether you feel this would pass the
> litmus test for this upaye?
> Best Regards,
> Iqbal
> Sent via Blackberry From: Yograj Prabhakar
> Date: Sat, 6 Jun 2009 12:03:51 +0530 (IST)
> To: <astrostudents@ yahoogroups. com>
> Subject: Re: [astrostudents] Re: Upayagers or Astrologers ?
> Respected Finn Sahib,
> I am also a big fan of this remedy like your good-self but, for a different
> reason. I recommended this remedy (for Venus 4th or Rahu 5th) to hundreds of
> my clients. As we are all very well aware that the holy Lal kitab is very
> secular in nature, but practically I found "remarriage" one of the  "most
> secular" remedy mentioned in this divine scripture. five of my Christians
> and more than two dozen Hindu clients got remarried in the Sikh Gurudwaras,
> Three Muslim clients from Aligarh "re-tied" their nuptial knots in Hindu
> temples. Two Parsi clients also choose a temple for this purpose. Even I got
> remarried 3 times - twice in a temple and once in a Gurudwara (as the priest
> of that temple was out of station).
> I would also like to share the positive effects of this remedy. One
> childless Muslim client from Aligarh in the state of Uttar Pradesh who was
> married for 16 years and having two wives, and another childless Muslim guy
> from the same city who was married for more than a decade was blessed with
> male child after performing this remedy. Interestingly, in both of the cases
> caesarian operations were performed for child birth.
> I wanted to send this message directly to you because, I was afraid that
> members will treat it as a self propagation act, but I wanted to assure
> everybody in the forum that I just shared my views on the above-mentioned
> subject and have no other motive.
> Respectfully
> Yograj Prabhakar
> --- On Fri, 5/6/09, Finn Wandahl <finn.wandahl@ mail.dk> wrote:
> From: Finn Wandahl <finn.wandahl@ mail.dk>
> Subject: [astrostudents] Re: Upayagers or Astrologers ?
> To: astrostudents@ yahoogroups. com
> Date: Friday, 5 June, 2009, 6:59 PM
> Dear Jitin,
> Quote: > if someone with venus in 4th house approached you, you would advice
> him to re-marry his wife(after changing her name), then how can you predict
> that he would have 2 wives? if on one hand an astrologer hopes that his
> remedy would work, how can he predict the opposite(he can only fear and
> advice). <
> Actually, I am very fond of this particular Upaya. When I was in India back
> in 1990 some astrologer friends told me about a young man who consulted an
> old astrologer to get advice about his future marriage. However, the old
> astrologer found indications of widowhood in his chart and as a remedy he
> told the young man first to marry a Peepal tree, and then only after the
> Peepal tree had died he should marry the young girl in question.
> In arrangement with his family the young man soon married the Peepal tree
> and after the tree had died he married to girl, and the story tells they
> lived happily ever after.  There were rumours that his would-be in-laws had
> put copper nails into the root of the Peepal tree to speed up the process,
> but I have no idea if this was actually true or not.
> I see no contradiction neither in the example given by you nor in the story
> about the Peepal tree.  In both cases an attempt has been made to alter the
> future reality a little in order to avoid widowhood or the sadness of a
> separation, and still keep the major picture in the predicting of two
> marriages in mind. I think, sometimes this can be done, sometimes not,
> depending upon the karmas and situation of the planets in the charts of the
> couple..
> There is a philosophical explanation to all this. As it is, we are already
> changing destiny by looking into the horoscope in the first place. Actually,
> knowledge of things to come may sometimes change the final outcome.
> The old Hindu astrologers believed there are two kinds of Karmas: 1) Sthira
> Karma, which is indicated by the Janma Kundali itself, the results of which
> is almost completely fixed and pre-destinated. 2) Utpala Karma, indicated by
> Gochara (transits), the Varshphal kundali or by the Prashna Kundali, the
> results of which is ever changing and not fixed.
> In case of difference between the two kind of Karma, the Utpala Karma were
> said to prevail, if prayers, remedies etc. were performed.
> For many years I always used both the Janma Kundali and the Prashna Kundali,
> side by side, in order to get the punya right by observing both these kinds
> of Karma at the same time.
> As Lal Kitab astrologers, you can say we  use both Janma Kundali (Sthira
> karma) and Varshphal kundalis (Utpala karma) side by side for somewhat
> similar reasons.
> Best wishes,
> Finn
> --- In astrostudents@ yahoogroups. com, "jitinsyal82" <jitinsyal82@ ...>
> wrote:
>> respected finn sir,
>> my knowledge is no where as near as you or anyone else in this group for
>> that matter, however i do feel that in lal kitab sometimes recommending
>> remedies and predicting can contradict each other.
>> please correct me if i am wrong but,for example if someone with venus in
>> 4th house approached you, you would advice him to re-marry his wife(after
>> changing her name), then how can you predict that he would have 2 wives?
>> if on one hand an astrologer hopes that his remedy would work, how can he
>> predict the opposite(he can only fear and advice).
>> please share your experience on above.
>> thank you
>> sincerely
>> Jitin Syal
>> --- In astrostudents@ yahoogroups. com, "Finn Wandahl" finn.wandahl@
>> wrote:
>> >
>> > Dear Members,
>> >
>> > The discussion going on at the moment is very interesting to follow. The
>> > importance of Tewa Darusthi is being emphasized, which is always very
>> > good, since Lal Kitab is an Ascendant-based kind of astrology. I have
>> > been able to notice bad examples of Lal Kitab astrologers giving out
>> > Upayas to people without doing any kind of Tewa Darusthi. This means
>> > these ignorant astrologers cannot possibly be sure if the chart is
>> > correctly calculated or not.
>> >
>> > As a matter of fact this is not the first time a problem like this have
>> > been seen in India. Around the 7th century AD the great
>> > astronomer/astrolog er Varaha Mihira wrote that a miscalculation of an
>> > astrologer is as sinful as the murder of a Brahmin. Actually, I think
>> > this proves that there was astrologers who was indiscriminately using
>> > wrong chart even at the time of Varaha Mihira. Otherwise he would never
>> > have given such a strong statement.
>> >
>> > My personal opinion is that any astrologer who is using an
>> > Ascendant-based kind of astrology without verifying whether or not the
>> > Ascendant is correct is nothing but a big charlatan. However, this goes
>> > on every day and it surely gives a bad name to Lal Kitab, when the
>> > charlatans belong to this category of astrologers. Anyway, there is
>> > not
>> > so much we can do about this problem, except to do our very best when
>> > we, who are supposed to be the good guys, do the horoscopes ourselves.
>> > But are we really doing our best, or are some of us perhaps getting a
>> > little lazy? This is actually a very important question. Since - after
>> > all - no astrologer, however big or famous, is any better than the last
>> > horoscope he did.
>> >
>> > There is a certain critizism about Lal Kitab astrologers that I have
>> > often among the other kinds of Hindu astrologers and even among some few
>> > western astrologers as well. They say, when you consult a Lal Kitab
>> > astrologer, he will ask you a number of highly relevant questions about
>> > your life, which clearly confirms the correctness of your chart, and he
>> > would even pin-point at certain events going on in certain years of the
>> > past. He may even say thing about the present situations, being
>> > precisely correct. But when it comes to the future, he either can or
>> > will not give any predictions at all, but rather gives a large number of
>> > Upayas (remedies) to guard agains any bad elements in the near future,
>> > normally without even telling what malefic event the remedy is supposed
>> > to guard against.
>> >
>> > No doubt a lot of relevant things are being said during an Lal Kitab
>> > consultation. I mean say, if Saturn is malefic in the 6th in the
>> > Varshphal we would caution against buying new leather shoes in that
>> > year. This is in my opinion a good and sound piece of astrological
>> > advice. And we have a lot of relevant information like that to share
>> > with our clients. But given the knowledge about the past and present
>> > that we present to the client, isn't it only natural that he/she also
>> > expect something like that to be said about the future? And not only
>> > Upayas, however relevant they may be.
>> >
>> > I think there is some element of truth is this critizism against Lal
>> > Kitab astrologers. If I am right then we need to ask ourselves some
>> > questions: Are we becoming so arrogant against astrology that we no
>> > longer care about giving predictions about the future? Did Pt. Roop
>> > Chand Joshi ever say anything against giving predictions about the
>> > future? (Except of course that predictions should be given with due
>> > caution and all the necessary ethical consideration, etc. etc.). Are we
>> > somehow forgetting what it means to be astrologers? Are we developing
>> > into Upayagers rather then Astrologers?
>> >
>> > Best regards,
>> > Finn Wandahl
>> >
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