Sunday, July 05, 2009

Re: [astrostudents] Re: Why study Astrology?

Dear friends,
I am a silent member of this group.Sometimes I find members under the pretext of being civil are actually using sarcastic language to put down others.
No astrologer and I do know a few, treats BPHS as a religious scripture and as far as I am concerned BPHS is the Bible of Vedic Jyotish.Pandit ji  did not write this book as a religious/spirtual scripture.It is a jyotish book like any other  astrology book.
So friends, let all of us move on and see what we can make of Lal Kitab as what I understand there were no direct students of Pandit Ji.(or if there were,I am not aware of the same) No one has tried to pass on this knowledge to rest of the world after Pandit Ji.
In this regard I would like to talk about  Mr.Krushna of KAS who is doing his best to pass on the knowledge of Astakvarga of his Guru Late Shri Brij Gopal Shastri to who so ever can rise to the level of understanding his lessons vide yahoo group very tightly moderated by Mr.Ash because no one is allowed to talk of anything other then Mr.Krushna's system.
So I would request the moderator of this group  also be more strict in allowing off topic mails.
Of course ,it is ok with me if my this email is not allowed on the group.
And of course changing what Mr.Khuswant singh would say,"with malice towards none"
May there be Peace and let it begin with me.

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