Sunday, July 12, 2009

Re: [astrostudents] Knock Knock - Some Fundamentals!

Nirmal ji, i beg to differ. Why do you confine to astro palmistry
alone. What about other parameters. For instance as per gutka Budh 3
placement of articles in 9th and 11th house have been given overriding
powers. Vaastu and other categories for verification are also
important. Why are u over obssessed with palmistry part alone at the
cost of other parameteres. Regards. Kulbir.

On 7/12/09, Nirmal Kumar Bhardwaj <> wrote:
> Dear Arora ji,
> //1. Tewa Drusti is step #1. However, if someone is very sure of DATE, EXACT
> TIME AND PLACE and has a proper computerized horoscope... This step may be
> avoided for sake of planetary positions. Right?
>> However, to check if a planet is benefic or malefic in a given house, that
>> can be checked w.r.t predictions for given planetary postion. Right? //
> Tewa durusti remains the step-I even if one have exact time upto
> milliseconds.The lalkitab is having Astro-palmistry system. the treasure
> brought by native in his closed palms(bund Muthi) plays the important role
> and is the ultimate. To keep ourselves nearer to the palmistry durusti is
> required. If one is familiar with making horoscope with the help of
> palmistry(lines, signs etc) then there may not be any need for doing
> durusti. Palms never tell wrong.
> For rest of the paras I agree with your point.
> It is good beginning. Keep it up.
> Regards
> Nirmal
> --- In, "buntyarora2626" <AroraBN@...> wrote:
>> Dear Sirs,
>> I have been trying to spend sometime on the sacred LalKitabs...
>> I know it is not easy... I have gone through many messages in this group
>> advising numerous readings, lot of commitment and sipirtual maturity to
>> understand the book and the wealth of knowledge therein.
>> ("Got to Die ... if one desires Heaven....")
>> May I still have Guru-jan's patience to confirm something very basic and
>> fundamental... Just to check if I am groping in dark or Am I in right
>> direction...
>> Assumptions at back of my mind while relating a horoscope with lalkitab...
>> 1. Tewa Drusti is step #1. However, if someone is very sure of DATE, EXACT
>> TIME AND PLACE and has a proper computerized horoscope... This step may be
>> avoided for sake of planetry positions. Right?
>> However, to check if a planet is benefic or malefic in a given house, that
>> can be checked w.r.t predictions for given planetary postion. Right?
>> 2. The planets in different houses in Janam Kundali are refered with
>> respect to Lal Kitab predictions and they form the basis of... 'what life
>> unfolds for us.' i.e Janam Kundli planets have maximum significance for...
>> 'what becomes of us in future.' (off-course after understanding the
>> complexity of combinations, aspects etc)
>> 3. Varshphal Kundli planets have only temporary affect... only to the
>> extent of what is indicated by janam kundli planet positions. The
>> predictions of 'permanent nature' in varshaphal positions may not apply.
>> Example - Shani in house #6 of janam kundli ... states "after 42 years it
>> brings real prosperity"...(off-course assuming it satisfies all the Sat #6
>> conditions). In that case, although Shani will move to different houses
>> during 1 to 41 years... and may have much better positions and
>> predictions. But, Janam Kundli prediction will rule over it. Correct?
>> I know above is too much of a short cut and there might be many jewels
>> hiding in so many other pages of Lalkitabs.... which may nullify above
>> analysis. Something like 'Dharmai Tewa' which might be covered separately
>> and not in planetry positions / predictions...
>> My idea here is just to understand... if there is any light at the end of
>> the tunnel... I am in?
>> Hope seniors / masters will understand my viewpoint...
>> Please ignore if someone doesn't like my idea of using words like
>> 'sacred'... 'predictions' etc.
>> Please enlighten.
>> best regards,
>> Bunty Arora
>> +91 99670 50849

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