Tuesday, July 07, 2009

[astrostudents] Lalkitab - Spirtiual or Unspiritual A controversy uncalled for

Dear Shukla  Ji,
Guru Granth Sahib , Geeta, Bible, Quran can be termed as spiritual books. Spirtuality never practised professionally. It is for humanity and provided free to the Human being. 
Astrology is practized professionaly . Astrologer takes money or kind from the Client for interpreting his horoscope or hand.
You ,me and other astrologers are also amongst this race. 
Do you term yourself a trader / bussinessman  selling the Dharma, The Spirtiuality?
PK Sharma may have advised Kulbir Ji to read it as spiritual book or take it as spirituality. But in my view, the context for his advise may be to not to practize it professionally and give free advice to humanity. 
The persons Like me and You have no right to treat it as spiritual as we are the takers or sellers of this technique rather term ourself in the category of gems sellers.

Dr. Shiv Dev Kalsi,
Jyotish Rishi (AIFAS)
Consultant (Vedic Astrology)

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