Thursday, July 23, 2009

Re: [astrostudents] budh ka jaati asar


Syal ji, a very important but most ignored point. The most common
remedy for malefic mercury is to get the nose pierced. But about the
point where the nose is to be pierced different scholars have diverse
opinions. The best answer is to ask some person to whom pt ji
reccommended this remedy. We can discuss this in detail. Your goodself
quoted a punjabi idiom. Bandar kya jaane adrak ka sawaad. I am looking
if some planatary nature is explained in it. But u quoted half the
part. Kindly note the 2nd part. GADHA KYA JAANE BANDAR KA MIZAAZ. u
find the answer for 2nd part. I will look into your querry. Regards.

On 7/23/09, jitinsyal82 <> wrote:
> pranam all seniors and gurujans,
> i am having problem understanding the meaning of this sentence on page 228,
> LK gutka by prabhakar ji
> line no.6- "budh ka jaati asar naak se faislaa hoga"
> I mean the sentence itself is self-explanatory but how can someone find out
> the nature of mercury by nose?
> This to me is a very important "tewa darustee" tool and would request all
> the seniors to please share their knowledge and experience WRT.
> or any other "nishani" to find budh's nature/placement etc.
> Thank you
> Respectfully
> Jitin Syal

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