Friday, July 10, 2009

[astrostudents] Knock Knock - Some Fundamentals!

Dear Sirs,

I have been trying to spend sometime on the sacred LalKitabs...
I know it is not easy... I have gone through many messages in this group advising numerous readings, lot of commitment and sipirtual maturity to understand the book and the wealth of knowledge therein.
("Got to Die ... if one desires Heaven....")

May I still have Guru-jan's patience to confirm something very basic and fundamental... Just to check if I am groping in dark or Am I in right direction...

Assumptions at back of my mind while relating a horoscope with lalkitab...

1. Tewa Drusti is step #1. However, if someone is very sure of DATE, EXACT TIME AND PLACE and has a proper computerized horoscope... This step may be avoided for sake of planetry positions. Right?
However, to check if a planet is benefic or malefic in a given house, that can be checked w.r.t predictions for given planetary postion. Right?

2. The planets in different houses in Janam Kundali are refered with respect to Lal Kitab predictions and they form the basis of... 'what life unfolds for us.' i.e Janam Kundli planets have maximum significance for... 'what becomes of us in future.' (off-course after understanding the complexity of combinations, aspects etc)

3. Varshphal Kundli planets have only temporary affect... only to the extent of what is indicated by janam kundli planet positions. The predictions of 'permanent nature' in varshaphal positions may not apply.

Example - Shani in house #6 of janam kundli ... states "after 42 years it brings real prosperity"...(off-course assuming it satisfies all the Sat #6 conditions). In that case, although Shani will move to different houses during 1 to 41 years... and may have much better positions and predictions. But, Janam Kundli prediction will rule over it. Correct?

I know above is too much of a short cut and there might be many jewels hiding in so many other pages of Lalkitabs.... which may nullify above analysis. Something like 'Dharmai Tewa' which might be covered separately and not in planetry positions / predictions...

My idea here is just to understand... if there is any light at the end of the tunnel... I am in?

Hope seniors / masters will understand my viewpoint...

Please ignore if someone doesn't like my idea of using words like 'sacred'... 'predictions' etc.

Please enlighten.

best regards,

Bunty Arora
+91 99670 50849

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