Sunday, July 05, 2009

[astrostudents] Re: Why study Astrology?

Dear Mr. Kulbir,

>>...the study of this book or astrology is confined to 3 principle concerns. 1. Comfortable mundane existence. 2. Harmonious interpersonal relations 3. Direction for self perfection...<<

Sure, this is no doubt one way to see it. However, there are also some important astrological and predictive aspects of Lal Kitab astrology, highly useful for verification of the horoscopes of the clients and for giving them good, sound predictions and advices as well.

>>...U don't approve of this topic then please attend to pending discussions like the faisla kundali of 1942 page 381 so many topics are pending in the groups. U can contribute there...<<

Please, my good Sir, you can rest ussured that I am sufficiently competent to decide myself where to contribute and where not to contribute. But thank you anyway ;-)

>>...Why did this topic disturb rather irritate you...?<<

I generally find it disturbing when good astrological discussion is being turned into religious/spiritual discussion. It is like deviating from the original topic of the discussion and therefore it becomes - as you say - kind of irritating.

Basically I think Yograj is right when saying that people can read Lal Kitab anyway they like as their democratic right. This is no doubt very true.

However, when it is being suggested publicly that Lal Kitab should be read spiritually, then I think it is only fair to object. After all, the Lal Kitab is not a religious or spiritual text, but an astrological text, and it should be read  as such.

The statement that Lal Kitab should be read spiritually might, when said in public, mislead some of the new or less advanced students of Lal Kitab. I can say for sure that a statement like this would have have been a problem for my own good self at an earlier stage.  

>>...Such sweeping statements behove of a person who has mastered all aspects of the book. Ur mail suggests that u think u have done so...<<

Actually, I feel somewhat  misunderstood by this statement. The truth is that I consider my knowledge of Lal Kitab to be rather limited for obvious reasons. However, I am in a learning process and hopefully I will be able to continue to develop my skills and further compensate my deficiencies also in the future. 

I was however able to observe the discussion going astray and to see the need for some kind of sweeping statements, as you so kindly call it.

Best wishes,
Finn Wandahl

--- In, kulbir bance <kulbirbance@...> wrote:
> Respected Mr. Finn; the study of this book or astrology is confined
> to 3 principle concerns. 1. Comfortable mundane existence. 2.
> Harmonious interpersonal relations 3. Direction for self perfection.
> Pt no 3 can have different meanings for different persons. Sir, this
> was a tradition with zen masters. After teaching his student the
> master send his pupil to other master who didn't approve of his
> methods so that the pupil could decide the best for himself. Sir, this
> somebody has ample time for study and is no hurry to become a
> professional astrologer. U don't approve of this topic then please
> attend to pending discussions like the faisla kundali of 1942 page 381
> so many topics are pending in the groups. U can contribute there. Why
> did this topic disturb rather irritate you. Such sweeping statements
> behove of a person who has mastered all aspects of the book. Ur mail
> suggests that u think u have done so. But Sir, leave aside this (as ur
> words) Mr. P but when a person like Sh. Upadhaya quotes kabir in
> lalkitab discussions and kondal sir endorses it what is the harm in
> trying. Anyway i am highly obliged by ur concern. Kindly show same
> intensified concern to other aspects of pending topics also. Thanx and
> Regards. Kulbir.
> On 7/4/09, Finn Wandahl finn.wandahl@... wrote:
> > Dear members,
> >
> > I like to say that I find this present discussion a little disturbing
> > and also somewhat out of context.
> >
> > In one of the messages somebody said: "P.......... told me that read
> > lalkitab as a spiritual book".
> >
> > About LK-Astrology it is clearly stated in the introduction-part of
> > LK-1952, I quote: "It comprises of all worldly considerations without
> > any claim to divinity".
> >
> > This means Lal Kitab is not about spiritual or religious matters, and
> > therefore it should not be read as such.
> >
> > Lal Kitab also appears to be a secular text, capable of being studied by
> > people belonging to any religion, muslims, budhists, sikhs, hindus,
> > christians, jains, jews or those who belong to no religion at all
> > (ateists). This means even a sinner like my own good self, belonging to
> > the christian faith, protestant church, can study it with good results
> > like everybody else.
> >
> > Lal Kitab is a Jyotish Granth, meaning it is about the Shastra of
> > astrology, and it is designed to teach astrology to its readers. Each
> > and every page is pregnant with astrological information, but not
> > spiritual or religious information.
> >
> > Dear Sirs, we are supposed to read out of the text, not into the text.
> >
> > Best wishes,
> > Finn Wandahl
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Sent from my mobile device

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