Monday, March 09, 2009

Re: [astrostudents] Popular Phrases

Namashkar Nirmal Ji and Thanks for giving me a chance to express my views:
It is quite interesting to note that our respected Pandit Ji, used our regional Language Punjabi phrases and other sayings prevalent during that period in rural area, because this book has it`s origin in PUNJAB, but when we search and read about LAL KITAB on net, we find people talking about origin of this book in a doubtful manner, which sounds irrelevant. In LAL KITAB GUTKA, on page 252, line No.6-7, a popular Punjabi phrase " AAR DHANGA, PAAR DHANGA, BICH TALLAM TALLIYAN - AAN KOONJA DEIN BACHHE, NADDI NAHAVAN CHALLIYAN" is written in context of SURAJ BUDH. Before this, on the same page, a reader can find in line 2, a reference of RAHATT ( A WATER WELL, in which water is taken out with buckets, which turn deep into well and during their regular rotation, these buckets come up full of water and after pouring their water in drain fittings, these empty buckets again go deep into well to have a dip in water at bottom of well, so this cycle goes on). This phrase was in fact a puzzle, in which these water buckets have been compared with migratory birds, which come to wet land, lay their eggs and go to river to have a bath their in.
When we read it`s meaning in relation to planetary influence in human life, on the same page it is mentioned that his income will be like running water from well through buckets, which may not be benefited from Govt or he may not go into GOVT JOB. In the same manner, Knowledge of Astrology will be helpful to him, but he will get no monetary benefits from this knowledge, as buckets of well bring water to top, but still remain empty after pouring water at upper level.
In the same manner, when we read LAL KITAB with a little care, we can find a number of such sayings and their deep relation to that context, where these are quoted.
with best regards...rabinder bhandari

On 09/03/2009, Nirmal Kumar Bhardwaj <> wrote:

Respected Bhandari ji,
There is popular punjabi phrase which is reffered in lalkitab Gutka. it is
Aar Dhaangan par dhaangaan bich tallam talliyaan aan koonjaa den bachhe nadi nahavan chaliyan.
I request you to please guide the students regarding what context these lines reffered by Pt. ji in LalKitab.

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