Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Re: [astrostudents] Contradiction to Vedic astrology

Dear Ashok,

Lalkitab is based on the different platform than the traditional astrology which is based astronomy. The main base of this science is Palmistry and Qyafa. The Horoscope should be made from palms considering different lines & marks. It is told in the book that till the proficiency in this technique is not gained ,one can use the Horoscope made on the basis of astronomy, and that too by leaving aside signs & nakshatra part at all.Only House kundli is to be taken.Thus one may find contradiction if one uses mixed rules of traditional astrology and Lalkitab.

The contradiction occur only when one mix the rules of one system to another. You know the rules of Ayurveda, Homoeopathic and allopathic differ from each other, while the purpose of all the same is to treat the disease. 

In my opinion,  One must follow the rules of systems for which he is practising. 



On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 6:45 PM, y2k_aksingh <> wrote:

Dear Members,
I have seen the condition where Lal kitab totally contradict with Vedic
Here is the birth chart:

HNO1 :(Rashi-7 ,Moon)
HN02 :(Rashi-8 ,Ketu )
HN03 :(Rashi-9 )
HNO4 :(Rashi-10 ,Mars)
HNO5 :(Rashi-11 )
HNO6 :(Rashi-12 ,Venus)
HNO7 :(Rash-1 ,Sun,Mercury)
HNO8 :(Rashi-2 ,Rahu)
HNO9 :(Rashi-3 ,Shani)

As per Vedic Astrology:
Ma,Ju,Su is exalted and all the other planets
is also in good position but as per Lal kitab
Ma,Ju,Su is debliated and remaining planets
are also not in good position(when we consider
first house as first rashi).

I consulted Vedic and Lalkitab astrologer and their
point of view is just opposite to each other.

Now my question is How the two system claim to be accurate
when the prediction is totally different.

My Suggestion:

When we make Birth chart according to Lal kitab we consider first
House as first rashi and predict afterward instead of that
If we move the rashi number 1 planets to house number 1 and
move all the planets according to that then I guess we can
overcome the contradiction I know this is not the rule but
atleast I am going to try this to see how the prediction is

Plz. post your suggestion it is urgent.


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