Thursday, January 13, 2011

Re: [astrostudents] Re: Regarding Suggestion


Dear Sharma ji,
I am member of that group and enjoying
the discussions.
Ph: 09350311433
NEW DELHI-110 076

From: sukhwinder <>
Sent: Thu, 13 January, 2011 11:35:41 AM
Subject: [astrostudents] Re: Regarding Suggestion


Respected G.K.Goel Ji,

Pandit Bhooshan Priya Ji is ready to answer all your queries. You can ask your question in Lal Kitab_Discussion group.

with regards
Sukhwinder Sharma

--- In, Gopal Goel <gkgoel1937@...> wrote:
> Dear Sukhwinder Sharma,
> Sir, I think you have not understood the comments of
> Mr. Rajendra Bhatia.
> He said If- I repeat if - Mr Bhoosan ji now questions the validity
> of correctness and authenticity of LK Varsha Phala tables , how
> on earth he was prescribing remedies for last ten years.
> Now Pt. Bhoosan ji who had a rich experience of Lk for 10 years
> seems to agree with a person who never studied original LK
> and had only 10 days experience according to his own admission.
> I do not know you as well all the three persons personally . But Mr. Bhatia
> is talking lot of sense , and all of us should address points raised by him in
> right earnest.
> As far as Bhava division is considered , these may be divided in three broad
> categories:
> 1. Compartmental system , in which signs and bhava are inseparable.
> 2. Each bhava extents to 15 degrees on either side of ascending degree
> and this degree in the mid-point of each house
> 3. Sripati ,K.P. etc methods - these methods seems to be inappropriate
> in the context of LK SYSTEM
> As clear from several mails , Pt. Roopchand ji used to rectify BIRTH CHART
> with the help of Palm . Now a days most of the savants even if they prepare
> nativity with the help of palm , they are not able to match it with birth
> chart.
> Now they have come around to the view that both are separate nativities.
> I request either you or Mr. Bhooshan ji to through some light as to which
> method
> they follow for house division.
> It will also be nice if either of you guide us on LK varsha phala tables.
> Regards,
> Ph: 09350311433
> Add: L-409, SARITA VIHAR
> NEW DELHI-110 076
> ________________________________
> From: sukhwinder <>
> To:
> Sent: Mon, 10 January, 2011 11:10:35 AM
> Subject: [astrostudents] Regarding Suggestion
> Respected Rajinder Bhatia Ji
> I have read your comments on Mr. Sreenadh Ji and Respected Pandit Bhooshan Priya
> Ji. I do not know Sreenadh Ji at all but I know Pandit Bhooshan priya Ji from
> the last one year as I am a member of Lal Kitab remedies group.As far as your
> comments on Pandit Bhooshan Priya Ji is concerned I will not at all agree with
> you.The techniques used by Pandit Bhooshan Priya Ji(Bhav Spasth and Vedic
> Astrology) have changed the life of thousands of people (15X365X10)Their group
> has been ranked No. 1 in India.For your kind information "My Life has been
> totally changed after the remedies suggested by Pandit Bhooshan Priya Ji. Before
> joining their group I have approached hundred's of so called professional Red
> Book astrologers to whom I have paid thousand's of rupees but all in vain.Not
> even a single Red Book professional astrologer able to solve my problems. I do
> not know why a person of your caliber have written such words for him.
> with regards
> Sukhwinder Sharma

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