Saturday, January 29, 2011

[astrostudents] Re: Pakka Ghar no. 6, Lal Kitab 42, pg 22


Respected members,

Further Text from Lal Kitab -1952, page 69-70.

पाताल खाली घर जब तक रहता  नेक असर कुल देता हो.

Pātāla khālÄ« ghara jaba taka rahatā nÄ"ka asara kula detā hō.

If 6th house is empty, than it is a good sign.

Further explained that when 6H is empty, planets 2H and 12H will give results, if 2H has good planets and 12H also have favorable planets that it will be advisable to activate 6H (having no planets).

It will best to help maternal brother's family (मामू खानदान ) or daughters of own sister.(Here mercury is activated.) This will help to such a extent that planet in 6H  will act as a switch of electricity of machines, and quick results of 2H and 12H will be seen.

दूजे बैठे की पहली अवस्था असर ६ पर होता हो.

Dūje baiṭhe kī pahalī avasthā asara 6 para hōtā hō


The good results of 2H will be the combine effect with 6H.


उम्र मंदी ग्रह खुद वह होगा घर ६ वे आ बैठे जो.

बैठे  हुए ग्रह की अपनी ग्रह चाली उम्र à¤"र खुद ग्रह मुतअल्लिका की जाती अश्या का असर.

Umra mandÄ« graha khuda vaha hōgā ghara 6 vÄ" ā baiá¹­hÄ" jō. 

Baiá¹­he hu'Ä" graha kÄ« apanÄ« graha cālÄ« umra aura khuda graha muta'allikā kÄ« jātÄ« aÅ›yā kā asara.

When the age of planet placed in 6H, the items related to that planet suffers.


लाख उपाà¤"ं करे न टलता ग्रह फल लिखा जिसको हो.

Lākha upā'ō kare na ṭalatā graha phala likhā jisakō hō.

Here Sun, Jupiter and moon are of Rasi phal and all other planets will be of Grah phal, Mercury and Ketu will be malefic till there own age or as per the age of the planet sitting in 8H.

Or malefic effect of planet in 6H can goes to that house where Mercury, Ketu or Venus is sitting.


अकेला बैठा या हो मुश्तरका  बंद मुट्टी के खानों में.

Akelā baiá¹­hā yā hō muÅ›tarakā banda muá¹­á¹­Ä« kÄ" khānōṁ mÄ".

The explanation of above line as provided is 

Saturn in 6H reversely aspect on 2H, so when Sun or Moon is in 2H, than if Mars is placed in 4H than it will be not Mars Badh.


९ ही ग्रह पाताल में बैठे देखा करे उन तरफो में.

9 HÄ« graha pātāla me baiá¹­he dÄ"khā karÄ" una taraphō me

Exalted planets of 6H ie Mercury , Rahu will be never malefic in quadrant houses (1,4,7,10) nor it will give malefic results to 2H.


१०-५ वे का दुश्मन जहरी  हुक्म राहू का पाता हो.

10-5 VÄ" kā duÅ›mana jaharÄ« hukma rāhÅ« kā pātā hō.

साथ मगर २-८  दृष्टी  फैसला ६ का होता हो.

Sātha magara 2-8 dr̥ṣṭī phaisalā 6 kā hōtā 

10-5 House position indicate poisonous relationship (Takrao Dristi), comes under the guidance of Rahu. 

But if 2-8 aspect is associated than planet in 6H will finally guide the results.




Vijay Goel


Vedic astrologer & Vastu Consultant.

--- In, "vijay.goel" <goyalvj@...> wrote:
> Dear Members,
> Hare Rama Krsna,
> I am posting commentary on the 6H in Lal kitab, in continuation of the
> series of LK- Pakka ghar, LK-42, page 22.
> घर ६वें पाताल में
> बैठे, केतु , बुध
> इक्ट्ठे है.
> दुश्मन गो वह बाहम
> होते, इस जा वह नहीं
> लड़ते है.
> Ghara 6v�"ṁ pātāla m�"ṁ baiṭh�",
> k�"tu, budha ikṭṭh�" hai.
> Duśmana gō vaha bāhama hōt�", isa jā vaha
> nahīṁ laṛat�" hai.
> House no 6 is Underground \ basement, ketu and mercury both sits
> together here.
> enemies in this house does not fight each other. (mercury and ketu are
> enemy)
> केतु लड़का तो बुध है
> लड़की, दुम कुत्ते की
> साथी है.
> K�"tu laṛakā tō budha hai laṛakī, duma
> kutt�" kī sāthī hai.
> ketu is boy and mercury is girl, dog is ketu and it's tail is mercury.
> रिश्तेदार हों
> मात-पिता के, अक्ल
> सफर खुद खाकी है.
> Riśt�"dāra hōṁ māta-pitā k�", akla
> saphara khuda khākī hai.
> Relative of mother and father, intelligence, travel and dryness.
> बुध सेवा नहीं
> शुक्कर करता, केतु
> भी धोका देता है.
> Budha s�"vā nahīṁ śukkara karatā, k�"tu
> bhī dhōkā d�"tā hai
> Mercury does not help, Venus cares, even ketu cheats here.
> अकेले-अकेले ही
> दोनों उम्दा, मिल कर
> चेहरा बनता है.
> Ak�"l�"-ak�"l�" hī dōnōṁ umdā,
> mila kara c�"harā banatā hai.
> Both individually gives positive results, both simultaneously makes the
> face of the person.
> आकार चेहरे का गर
> बुध से हो, खूबसूरत
> हो केतु से.
> Ākāra c�"har�" kā gara budha s�" hō,
> khūbasūrata hō k�"tu s�".
> Shape of face is given by mercury, attraction and beauty is given by
> ketu.
> नौ हो ग्रह पाताल
> में होते, देखते तरफ
> हों सब ही के.
> Nau hō graha pātāla m�"ṁ hōt�",
> d�"khat�" tarapha hōṁ saba hī k�".
> This line needs more explanation.
> Here exalted planet mercury and rahu will never give weak results
> neither they will make 1,4,7,10 H or 2H malefic.
> फूलना-फलना, कद कदामत,
> तनासुब हथेली ऊँगली
> की.
> Phūlanā-phalanā, kada kadāmata, tanāsuba
> hath�"lī ūm̐galī kī.
> Prosperity and health, height and tallness, fore portion of fingers.
> खटाई व गोबर या हो
> सच्ची नेकी, या
> रफ़्तार गुफ्तार हो
> केतु की.
> Khaṭā'ī va gōbara yā hō saccī
> n�"kī, yā raftāra guphtāra hō k�"tu
> kī.
> Sour (tamarind), cow-dung or true help, or speed and words belongs to
> ketu.
> नाना-नानी या मामू
> उसके, हमदर्दी फोकी
> बुध की है.
> Nānā-nānī yā māmū usak�",
> hamadardī phōkī budha kī hai.
> Maternal grandparents or uncles, false sympathy is of mercury.
> इर्द गिर्द वह मकान
> का होवे, जायका पटठे
> सब्जी है.
> Nānā-nānī yā māmū usak�",
> hamadardī phōkī budha kī hai.
> nearby of house, taste of Patta in vegetables.
> बर्ताव होवे या हो
> साहूकारा, पेशानी
> चेहरा होती है.
> Bartāva hōv�" yā hō sāhūkārā,
> p�"śānī c�"harā hōtī hai.
> behaviour or honestiness, forehead of face.
> तरफ शुमाल या हो फोका
> पानी, फूल सगंध्या
> होती है.
> Tarapha śumāla yā hō phōkā pānī,
> phūla sagandhyā hōtī hai.
> Direction is North or mirage of water and scented flowers.
> आकार, परिंदे, हाथ के
> नाख़ून, सुख �"लाद का
> होता है
> Ākāra, parind�", hātha k�" nāḵẖūna,
> sukha aulāda kā hōtā hai
> shapes, birds, nails of fingers, happiness from children.
> .
> भाख्या भा�" अपार हो
> दुनिया, नक्कारा खल्क
> भी होता है.
> Bhākhyā bhā'ō apāra hō duniyā,
> nakkārā khalka bhī hōtā hai.
> Commitment from society, subdued person of society.
> This line needs more explanation.
> केतु की चीजे पर
> केतु हो मंदा, पर
> मंदा न हो दूसरों पर.
> K�"tu kī cīj�" para k�"tu hō mandā, para
> mandā na hō dūsarōṁ para.
> On the item of ketu it will be malefic, but does not bring malefic
> results on others.
> बुध भी वा गर साथी
> होवे, खुद मंदा बुरा
> दूसरों पर.
> Budha bhī vā gara sāthī hōv�", khuda
> mandā burā dūsarōṁ para.
> Mercury is with some planet, than itself will be weak and other will
> also become malefic.
> उम्र मंदी इस ग्रह
> की होवे, घर ६वें आ
> बैठी जो.
> Umra mandī isa graha kī hōv�", ghara 6v�"ṁ
> ā baiṭhī jō.
> Age of planet is destroyed which comes in 6H.
> लाख उपा�" करें न
> टलदा, ग्रह फल लिखा
> जिस को हो.
> Lākha upā'ō kar�"ṁ na ṭaladā, graha
> phala likhā jisa kō hō.
> Doing million remedies of graha phal planet, will not work. The person
> has to face it.
> Please note : Here except Sun, Jupiter and Moon all are of graha phal.
> फल �"लाद का शुक्कर
> रद्दी, पर रद्दी न
> दौलत हो.
> गुरु, सूरज से कोई
> दूजे, शुक्कर का फल
> १२ हो.
> Phala aulāda kā śukkara raddī, para raddī na
> daulata hō.
> Guru, sūraja s�" kō'ī dūj�", śukkara
> kā phala 12 hō.
> Fruits of child will be destroyed if venus is here, but finance will
> remain intact.
> If sun + jupiter in 2H, results of venus will like 12H.
> बुध, केतु �"र शुक्कर
> टेवे, कही भी इसके
> बैठे हो.
> फल वैसे ही घर ६वें
> के, इस टेवे में
> होते है.
> Budha, k�"tu aura śukkara ṭ�"v�", kahī bhī
> isak�" baiṭh�" hō.
> Phala vais�" hī ghara 6v�"ṁ k�", isa ṭ�"v�"
> m�"ṁ hōt�" hai.
> Mercury, ketu and venus anywhere in the chart, results of 6H will be
> like that.
> Thankyou
> Regards
> Vijay Goel
> Jaipur.
> Mob: 09214502239.

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