Sunday, November 21, 2010

[astrostudents] Re: Regarding Suggestion


Respected Sir,

This is my third mail in this group. I hope the moderator of this group should take the responsibility to atleast answer the questions asked by the group members. If you can not answer them then Why this group is in existence. Earlier a note was written that only questions related to Lal Kitab should be asked and when I asked a question related to Lal kitab paddati, still that remains unanswered. I hope that my mail will be taken seriously.

with regards
sukhwinder sharma

--- In, "sukhwinder" <> wrote:
> Respected Gurujan,
> Can you please guide me whether to use Bhav Spasth technique befoe analysing a horoscope or not.
> with regards
> sukhwinder sharma

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