Wednesday, November 03, 2010

[astrostudents] Rasi division of residencial house Traditional vs LalKitab


An article regarding Maqan Kundlis submitted by Sh Kulbir Ji in Ancient Astrology Group is also given by hime for the benefit of members of this group. Unnecessary text like email addresses and forward marks has been edited and removed by Moderator.

Lalqitab considers the Area under Plot as Spherical, just like shape of Earth, For the sake of convenience the Diagram for plot is Depicted as square/Rectangle shape with house number 9 as pivot and
i)The 4 sides representing East, North, West and South,
ii) The Four corners represent Northeast, Northwest, Southwest and Southeast, Projection towards Sky (dome) is represented by a circle in the Diagram, While projection towards Underneath/basement remains hidden. 2 dimensional diagram is drawn but it depicts a Three dimensional Model for Residence {plot}.
House number 1 represents East Side direction {Poorab Taraf}; Boundary and Construction within {Chardeewari, tah zameen ke goshe};
House number 2 represents North West Side direction { Taraf Shamali Magrib}; Drawing Room {Baithaq}
House number 3 represents South direction {Janoob}; Aricles in house {Maqan ke saazo Samaan, Samaan aaraish}
House number 4 represents North East Side direction { Taraf Shamali Mashriq}; Vacant Surface of plot {Khalli the zameen};
House number 5 represents East Side Wall {Deewar Mashriqi}, Area for entrance of Air ans Sunlight {Hava Roshni ka talluq};
House number 6 represents North Side direction { Taraf Shamal}; also surroundings of the house {Irdd Gird Maqan ka} and direction underneath the surface {Pataal}, Basement {Tehkhanne ke hisse}.
House number 7 represents South West Side direction { Taraf Janoobi Magrib}; Plaster on walls, Whitewash {safedi}, Parapet {Munder}
House number 8 represents South Side direction { Taraf Janoob} Ceiling {Chatth Maqan}, Place for fire {Aag ki jagah};
House number 9 represents Pivot {Sehan Marqaz}; Square Area- Measurement of Area covered by each and every part of house {har hisse ki aandrooni paimaish}
House number 10 represents West Side direction {Taraf Magrib}
House number 11 represents West Side Wall { Deewar Magribi}; Splendor/Appearance/Projection {Maqan ki Shaano Shuqat, Zahirdari Maqan;}, Material used for construction i.e. Iron/Steel, Wood, Bricks, Stone etc. {Loha, Laqqad, Eent, Pathar, Malba vagairah}
House number 12 represents South East Side direction { Taraf Janoobi Mashriq}; Sky {Aasmaan}. Roof i.e. the direction towards Sky {Aabaad Veerana}.
House number 9 is considered as Pivot from which extensions lead towards different sides, depicted by a diagram which has house number 9 at centre with projections towards sides represented by a rectangle and diagonals.
Further the directions are specified qua Planets;-
East = Sun in/of House number 1.
North East = Moon in/of House number 4.
North = Ketu in/of House number 6.
North West = Jupiter House number 2.
West = Saturn in/of House number 10.
South West = Venus in/of House number 7.
South = Mars in/of House number 3.
South East= Rahu in/of House number 12.
Dome = Mercury in/of House number 9.

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