Friday, October 15, 2010

[astrostudents] Re: Mansui Planets Compilation for discussion, Results added


Dear Members,

Hare Rama Krsna,

There is the list given in LK-40 page 92 :

Asar : masnui banawat ke graho ka asar khas-khas batao ka hoga:

The effect\results of masnui planets will be in specific areas only.

1) Masnui Jupiter :  aulad ki padaish ka malik. (lord-signifies for birth of child)
2) Masnui Sun : sehat ka malik. (lord-signifies for self health).
3) Masnui Moon : Valdeni khoon (nafta) ka talluk. ( Related to semen)
4) Masnui Venus : Duniyavi sukh ( bajuj aulad) (Materialistic happines , sex ?)
5) Masnui Mars : aulad jinda rakne ka malik, bel sabsi ka malik(lord-signifies for longevity of child, vegetable which grows on 'Bhel' plants)
6) Masnui Mercury : Ijjat sohrat (reputation and status)
7) Masnui Saturn : sakth bimari ( Hard disease)
8) Masnui Rahu : jhagre fasad ( enmity,conflicts)
9) Masnui Ketu : eash ka malik ( lord-signifies of enjoyment)

I hope this will further help.

Vijay Goel

--- In, "vijay.goel" <goyalvj@...> wrote:
> Respected Members,
> Hare Rama Krsna,
> Lets start discussion with the Concept of Masnui Planets:
> The Masnui planets are formed as per LK-1941 page 392 is as under :
> 1) Masnui Jupiter (khali hawai) : sun + venus
> 2) Masnui Sun : mercury + venus
> 3) Masnui Moon : sun + jupiter
> 4) Masnui Venus (khali hawai) : rahu + ketu
> 5) Masnui Mars Nek : sun + mercury
> 6) Masnui Mars badh : sun + saturn
> 7) Masnui Mercury : jupiter + rahu
> 8) Masnui Saturn like Ketu : venus + jupiter
> 9) Masnui Saturn like Rahu Manda : mars + mercury
> 10) Masnui Rahu Uccha : mars + saturn
> 11) Masnui Rahu Neech : sun + saturn
> 12) Masnui Ketu Uccha : venus + Saturn
> 13) Masnui Ketu Neecha : moon + Saturn
> A) We must note that Masnui Jupiter and Masnui Venus is "Khali
> Hawai" does it means that Results will be of psychological nature
> not at physical level. ?
> B) We must note that Masnui Saturn itself behave like ketu and like rahu
> manda, but when natal Saturn joins with either mars, sun, venus or moon,
> it become Masnui rahu and Masnui ketu.
> This shows the closeness of "Papi Grahs" (Lk-41,pg 6)" and
> their interchangeable nature. Saturn is Munsif (who records judgement)
> and Rahu & Ketu is Paap. Rahu , Ketu can have the nature of Saturn but
> not the power of Saturn.(Lk-41 pg 300 line 1-5).
> C) Rahu and Ketu are "Paap Grahs" and this two planets is
> controlled by Jupiter , but Jupiter itself influenced and disturbed by
> mercury (LK-1941,pg 4, line7-10, also see pg 307 line 11-13).
> D) It must be also noted that when Saturn joins with Jupiter in the
> natal chart all other planets becomes Dharmi grah ie all Papi Grah will
> not do any mischievous.
> E) Lk-41, 301, line 6-8 : Two Ketu Mustarka (one natal other Mansui)
> will destroy even the double power of Mars Nek.
> This line indicate the doubly effect of same natal and mansui planet.
> F) Masnui Venus : in which fight and mockery of Rahu and mischievous
> enjoyment of ketu (sex for enjoyment without children) is included
> (lk-41, pg 307)
> This line indicates how component in Masnui planet is working.
> G) Lk-41, pg 386 line 1-4 : When Jupiter is in Khana no. 9 than lord of
> Khana no. 12 will be Rahu but if Jupiter is NOT in Khana no. 9 & 12 than
> Lord of Khana no. 12 will be Mansui Mercury ( = Rahu + Jupiter).
> This line indicates the relationship with house. planet and its masnui
> concept.
> H) Lk-41, pg 380 : It says that
> 1)Venus + Jupiter will affect the results of Khana no 2,
> 2)Sun + Jupiter will affect the result of Khana no 5,
> 3)Mars + mercury will affect the results of Khana no. 3,
> 4)Venus + mercury will affect the results of khana no. 7,
> 5)Mars + Saturn + moon will affect the results of khana no. 8.
> Can we assume that above Masnui will bring changes or affect the
> respective houses. ?
> For eg Venus + Jupiter is Masnui Saturn like ketu nature, so this
> combination will affect the Khana number 2 i.e. we should focus on the
> matters related to son in the family or In-laws.?
> These are few points I had complied haphazardly for further discussion.
> It will be better if we compile all information in a systematic manner.
> Thankyou
> Regards,
> Vijay Goel
> Jaipur.

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