Sunday, October 17, 2010

[astrostudents] 8 rare manuscripts uploaded on Dassera - Saptarishis Astrology


Dear Friends



A small portion of charity done on the most auspicious day is worth thousands of charities is said by our elders. On the auspicious occasion of Dassera, due to the grace & sharing of Mrs. Y.Satyamma Bharadwaja author of Jaimini Dasha Prediction (book available at around 8 manuscripts are released on Saptarishis Astrology website (


Incidentally today is Mrs. Bharadwaja's birthday. Below each manuscript a small description of it has been kindly furnished by Shri Chandrashekhar Sharma for the benefit of readers. The real fruit of this kind act of Mrs. Satyamma from Hyderabad will bear fruit when astrologers knowers will translate it for the benefit of all. Pls note wherever possible full manuscript is uploaded otherwise only 25 pages are uploaded so as to reduce the load on the server. The manuscripts released are



01 Jaimini Jatakachandrika (20 pages)

02 Brighu Samhita (140 pages)

03 Jaimini Sakun (06 pages)

04 Jaimini Subhodini (74 pages)

05 Dasa Phalani (Vriddha Parasari) (18 pages)

06 Jataka Chandrika (34 pages)

07 Dasa Chintamani (12 pages)

08 Jaimini Sutram tika sahit (Venkatesh Commentary) (161 pages)


Comments on Manuscript By Shri Chandrashekhar Sharma


01 Jaimini Jatakachandrika (20 pages)



This manuscript's cataloguing says its author is Jaimini that, perhaps, is not the case. The reason I say this is that the end of the manuscript, available to us mentions that it was written in 1745 shaka that is in 1823 A.D. on the 2nd tithi of bright fortnight on a Saturday, and thus its author might not be Jaimini the author of the famous Jaimini Sutras. Again the affix Chandrika is generally used to indicate light being thrown on contents of some text so this could be a text that makes the Jaimini principles more clear and thus a commentary on those principles. The manner in which the manuscripts gives the numbers related to the bhoota samkhya also points to it being a commentary. The author is perhaps one Digambar, however since what is available is only the 5th chapter, to us, its author must remain a mystery.


Having said this it does not diminish the importance of the text. It talks about analysis of a chart from both lagna and Chandra (moon) and goes on to indicate that the lagna also be treated as Atma (karaka). It also gives different body parts and areas of life that are to be seen from various bhavas in depth. This text also gives many more karakatwas to various grahas for example it gives the karakatva for "ari" that is enemy to Sun, of fame to Guru and so on. This text also talks about results of natural malefics and benefics in different bhavas. There are numerous yogas that are given in the text that may be of interest to astrologers who would like the numerous yogas that abound in astrological texts.



02 Brighu Samhita (140 pages)



The Bhrigu Samhita manuscript is in sharada script which was followed in Kashmir. So we may need help of someone who is well versed in that script to understand what is written and decipher the contents.


03 Jaimini Sakun (06 pages)



This manuscript is indexed as being written by Jaimini. Personally I doubt it is written by the sage but seems to be a simplistic way of obtaining results of a Prashna being asked at a certain time. It provides a chart which is a square divided into sixty four equal squares having certain numbers allotted to them. Then the manuscript gives results based on certain planetary combinations that are attributed to these squares. Though the method of using this chart is not given, it is possible that this may be meant to be used in the same manner as is the Ram shalāka chart that appears in some printed copies of "Rāma Charit Mānas". In that case one will have to place some pointed object on the chart with eyes shut. Then one reads what is written with respect to that number in the text. I may be completely wrong about use of this chart, and leave it to the learned as to how to use the Jaimini Shakuna in light of their, own, experience and astrological knowledge about the ancient manuscripts. If my understanding of this text is correct, it might be a sort of quick method of answering a querist without having to cast his chart.


04 Jaimini Subhodini (74 pages)



05 Dasa phalani (18 pages)

Vriddha Pārāshari :



The name of the text is given as Dashāphalāni and the author is given as Vriddha Pārāshari. I think that this text is either written by Vriddhas or the wise ones as commentary to supplement what has been told about results of dashās as explained in Laghu and Madhya Parashari. We find a collection of text attributed to the "Vriddhas" to whom are attributed the Vriddha karikas that were primarily the source relied upon by most of the interpreters of Jaimini sutras. We again find reference to "Vriddhas" vide the Vriddha Yavana Jataka which is apparently an enlarged upon form of Yavanajataka. Thus "Vriddhas" could be a group of wise men whose interpretation of matter astrological was well accepted in days bygone or it could be one wise one who did not want to get credit for distributing the divine knowledge. It is also possible that Virddha Parashari could as well have been instructions given by Parashara himself. The language and structure does not seem much different from that which appears in Parashari or what is in modern times better known as Brihat Parashara Hora shastra.


Whoever be the author of Vriddha Parashari, it is apparently an important astrological treatise of great antiquity. The reason I think the text is of great antiquity is that whereas the other texts circa the 18th and 19th century are said to be in good condition, this one is said to be in a worn and dilapidated condition. Its language also seems to be of a time when it was not necessary to resort to encryption language like "Bhoot Sankhya" or "Katapayadi" method to guard against the divine science falling into wrong hands. The method of writing astrological texts using "Bhoot Sankhya" seems to have been resorted to the period following invasion of India by marauding tribes. Therefore it is my personal opinion that its translation will really allow the modern astrologers not only understand the finer points of dashā interpretation but also help him know the remedies prescribed when undergoing an adverse dashā and also when a planet is found to be the reason of the Jataka's misfortune at a particular point of time as I think the remedies could also be useful when transit planets are giving temporary problems to a Jataka. This text also gives the donations that could be done to propitiate grahas that cause harm to the Jataka during their bhuktis and this will be also of interest to those who want to learn about remedies for difficulties faced by a jataka. The importance of this text is that it talks of results of grahas when they are themselves possessed of strength and it also demonstrates the results of the bhuktis of other bhava lords in dashā of such a graha. It reiterates the principle that the bhukti of a graha giving good results, in its own dashā are not good.


06 Jataka Chandrika (34 pages)



This manuscript is said to be work of Yāgyikanāth son of Balabhadra the author of Hayanaratna and has been written down by Shivalāl Pāthak in 1719 shaka that is around 1797 A.D.


The text gives details of what should be written in a natal chart followed by the contents of the manuscript. It also elaborates upon how to calculate Lagna degrees etc. Liberal use of Bhoot sankhya is made in writing the text. It also gives specific amshas related to aspects of grahas, where their aspects are having different intensity. It details the way ashtakavargas of grahas are drawn and how they should be used for interpretation of transits. The text ends with names of rashis and their various attributes. This appears to be an incomplete text and if found in its entirety its translation could be an addition to astrological knowledge of less known authorities' opinion on interpretation of the charts.



07 Dasa Chintamani (12 pages)



This is a manuscript of "Dashā Chintamani" said to be written in shaka 1555 that is 1633 A.D. by one Rajarshi.


This text gives elaborate details about the results obtained in Yogini Dashā and is an invaluable addition to astrological science as not much is known about exact interpretation of operation of Yogini dashā, though there are a few modern texts on that subject. This text also talks of reverse results when a bhukti of a graha in its own Mahadasha. The author also tells the astrologers to refer to his mishrakaadhyaaya when there is combination of grahas dashā (perhaps when a dashā is of a functional malefic who is also a natural benefic and vice-versa. This text also indicates the rituals to be performed to get relief from problems and also tells about the yantra of yogini given by the sages and also that by Shiva. Translation of this text might help astrologers of the present times who may like to know more about remedies and right interpretation of the yogini dashās. It might also help if the Mishra adhyāya mentioned by the Author is located so that more light is thrown on interpretation of Yogini dashās that are not much popular in most parts of India for lack of understanding of their interpretation.


08 Jaimini Sutram tika sahit (Venkatesh Commentary) (161 pages)



Jaimini Sutra-Vyankatesha Tikā: This manuscript is written around Vikram SaMvat 1887 that is 1831 A.D. and is a commentary on Jaimini sutras by the learned Vyankatesha. I do not know if this Vyankatesha is the one, who has also written part of Chandrakalā Nādi, or one whose Vyankatesh Vyākhyā has been admirably translated by Veneet on Saptarishis astrology Magazine, though the possibility cannot be denied. This text is similar to and perhaps the same as the Vyankatesha vyākhyā, though the mangalācharana differs. 






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