Respected Members,
Hare Rama Krsna,
Lets start discussion with the Concept of Masnui Planets:
The Masnui planets are formed as per LK-1941 page 392 is as under :
1) Masnui Jupiter (khali hawai) : sun + venus
2) Masnui Sun : mercury + venus
3) Masnui Moon : sun + jupiter
4) Masnui Venus (khali hawai) : rahu + ketu
5) Masnui Mars Nek : sun + mercury
6) Masnui Mars badh : sun + saturn
7) Masnui Mercury : jupiter + rahu
8) Masnui Saturn like Ketu : venus + jupiter
9) Masnui Saturn like Rahu Manda : mars + mercury
10) Masnui Rahu Uccha : mars + saturn
11) Masnui Rahu Neech : sun + saturn
12) Masnui Ketu Uccha : venus + Saturn
13) Masnui Ketu Neecha : moon + Saturn
A) We must note that Masnui Jupiter and Masnui Venus is "Khali Hawai" does it means that Results will be of psychological nature not at physical level. ?
B) We must note that Masnui Saturn itself behave like ketu and like rahu manda, but when natal Saturn joins with either mars, sun, venus or moon, it become Masnui rahu and Masnui ketu.
This shows the closeness of "Papi Grahs" (Lk-41,pg 6)" and their interchangeable nature. Saturn is Munsif (who records judgement) and Rahu & Ketu is Paap. Rahu , Ketu can have the nature of Saturn but not the power of Saturn.(Lk-41 pg 300 line 1-5).
C) Rahu and Ketu are "Paap Grahs" and this two planets is controlled by Jupiter , but Jupiter itself influenced and disturbed by mercury (LK-1941,pg 4, line7-10, also see pg 307 line 11-13).
D) It must be also noted that when Saturn joins with Jupiter in the natal chart all other planets becomes Dharmi grah ie all Papi Grah will not do any mischievous.
E) Lk-41, 301, line 6-8 : Two Ketu Mustarka (one natal other Mansui) will destroy even the double power of Mars Nek.
This line indicate the doubly effect of same natal and mansui planet.
F) Masnui Venus : in which fight and mockery of Rahu and mischievous enjoyment of ketu (sex for enjoyment without children) is included (lk-41, pg 307)
This line indicates how component in Masnui planet is working.
G) Lk-41, pg 386 line 1-4 : When Jupiter is in Khana no. 9 than lord of Khana no. 12 will be Rahu but if Jupiter is NOT in Khana no. 9 & 12 than Lord of Khana no. 12 will be Mansui Mercury ( = Rahu + Jupiter).
This line indicates the relationship with house. planet and its masnui concept.
H) Lk-41, pg 380 : It says that
1)Venus + Jupiter will affect the results of Khana no 2,
2)Sun + Jupiter will affect the result of Khana no 5,
3)Mars + mercury will affect the results of Khana no. 3,
4)Venus + mercury will affect the results of khana no. 7,
5)Mars + Saturn + moon will affect the results of khana no. 8.
Can we assume that above Masnui will bring changes or affect the respective houses. ?
For eg Venus + Jupiter is Masnui Saturn like ketu nature, so this combination will affect the Khana number 2 i.e. we should focus on the matters related to son in the family or In-laws.?
These are few points I had complied haphazardly for further discussion.
It will be better if we compile all information in a systematic manner.
Vijay Goel
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