Monday, October 06, 2008

Re: [astrostudents] saturn's effect

Dear Jatin,

You are a promising student of Lal Kitab and doing very good in Australia. I have a request,  while raising such query you should always mention the chapter of the relevant book so that answer can be given. Moreover, you are young and belongs to the land of Pundit ji's birth, why dont you learn Urdu? It wont take more than 4 weeks to learn. Once you learn Urdu you can easily study from the unpollured sources, i.e. from original scripotures.

Anyways, I have uploaded a Doc file (saturns nature) regarding Saturn's individual nature in the horoscope as per the placement of Rahu and Ketu. This is a chart given in Lal Kitab Teesra Hissa page no. 381.

Please remember that this above mentioned chart is not the only parameter of determining Saturn's nature, there are so many other things. For example if there is a combination of Venus and Mercury in the chart, Saturn will be considered as Shubh.

Yograj Prabhakar

--- On Wed, 10/1/08, jitinsyal82 <> wrote:
From: jitinsyal82 <>
Subject: [astrostudents] saturn's effect
Date: Wednesday, October 1, 2008, 5:16 PM

pranaam all gurujans and learned individuals. i am new to this forum
so hardly know anyone, however have read few posts in past and feel
highly obliged to be given the opportunity to be in company of such
highly learned individuals.

my query is in LK(i follow the english one by madhav goswami) it is
written that saturn will always give malefic effect when rahu/moon is
in 12th but then later in chapter it contradicts the same and says
when saturn is prior, ketu is intermediate and rahu in latter houses
of chart then saturn will always be benefic.

now say for eg someone has saturn in 1st, ketu in 6th and rahu in
12th then what would you conclude??

i know a chart has to be studied as whole to get the answer but this
is just a mere example.
i request everyone to throw some light on this issue and help me
learn LK.

yours respectfuly
jitin syal

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