Wednesday, October 29, 2008

[astrostudents] Re: Diceases for Annual Chart or Natal Chart ?

Dear Friend Bhardwaj ji,
Natal chart also indicate both type of diseases , chronic and acute.
Further more , it indicates the deceases by birth as well  as the deceases which
native likely to get in future including by his own fault (nij dosa). The mental
diseases are indicated by Bhadhak planets ,Moon and 4th house.
D-1, D-3 , D-6 , D-9 and D-12 play important role.
Annual chart gives birds eye view of the diseases encountered by the native.
Following are the main  nine factors which generate diseases:
2..lORD OF 8H
3. Planets placed in 6H and 8H
4.LAGNA Lord or Planets placed in Lagna
5.Planets placed in debility, enemy house or week in strength
7.In malefic division of D-60 Varga
8 Afflicted by Malefics
9. Planet becomes Karka of Arithas on account of various reasons like:
   a. In Mirtyu bhaga or house
   b. Kharesh or lord of the sign occupied by Mandi
   c. Combust
   d. Marka- Lord of 2nd or 7H, malefics placed in these
       houses or with the lord of these houses
I am discussing the deceases not only based on LAL kTAB but in general.



From: Nirmal Kumar Bhardwaj <>
Sent: Sunday, 26 October, 2008 10:27:38 PM
Subject: Re: [astrostudents] Remedies for Annual Chart or Natal Chart ?

Respected group,

I would like to add few lines as per my understandings.

Disease is of two types

Chronic and acute.

Patient having chronic disease will have to do the remdial measure through out the life. Patient with Viral /seasonal disease will perform the remedy for short duration in that season only.

As per my understanding , I can term Natal chart as for Chronic and Varshphal Chart is for acute nature of disease. 

Therefore remedy is to be performed according to the gravity of the situation. it will be difficult to bear the brunt of an acute disease as it has more force, hence if one find it to be dreadfull then remedial measure must be performed. Any natal bad planet when also become during varshphal then it act dreadfully and needs to be taken care off.



On 10/25/08, livia tandon <liviatandon@> wrote:

Respected kursija ji
Thanks for helping and making us think over the the topic.

On Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 11:15 AM, S.C. Kursija <sckursija@yahoo. com> wrote:
Dear livia tandon,
Though I am not supposed to give answer for the post, but still I intervene because of the interest in the topic. We should perform the remedial measures on the basis of annual chart and transit of the planet particularly on the basis of navamsha transit. I take in to the account the planets which are in 6th/8th and 2nd/12th  particularly from Moon, Lagna and Sun. It is my own observation that it helps the native to reduce the malefic influence as umbrella in Sun, does not make zero.

--- On Thu, 10/23/08, livia tandon <liviatandon@> wrote:
From: livia tandon <liviatandon@>
Subject: Re: [astrostudents] Remedies for Annual Chart or Natal Chart ?
To: astrostudents@ yahoogroups. com
Date: Thursday, October 23, 2008, 11:11 PM

Hi Bhasker ji,
well i think annual chart will be given preference and i suppose its remedies will be followed.

On Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 5:59 PM, Bhaskar <rajiventerprises@> wrote:
Dear all,

Suppose one is given remedies as per his natal chart to follow, but one
of the remedies in the annual chart, contradicts the remedy given for
the Natal chart, then which remedy must be followed ?


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