Monday, October 27, 2008

Re: [astrostudents] Re: Ganga jal in brass utensil

Dear Shri Bhaskar Ji
The remedy of brass utensil filled with Ganga Jal is for your 4th house Ketu (in horoscope or annual chart) and the utensil will stall at your place where you are living (Your home not at your mothers place, if both are same that is ok).
Actually the neck area of our body indicated the place of Jupiter and beads shape indicate Mercury that's why the garlands (mala) destroy our Jupiter indirectly.
Hope your points are clear now.
Om Tat Sat
Acharya Anupam "Maitreya"

Sent: Sunday, October 26, 2008 11:07 PM
Subject: [astrostudents] Re: Ganga jal in brass utensil

Respected Bhaskar Ji,
As far as I remember there is a mention of Mala of Beads which results
the destroying of Jupiter. Regarding other remedy, It will be easy for
us to co-relate and verify if the planetary position for which this
remedy is to be performed be known to us.
--- In, "Bhaskar" <rajiventerprises@...>
> Dear friends,
> Today I was reading effects of some planetary placement for the 29th
> year of a native. It was mentioned for remedial measures -
> a) To remove ill health to mother keep a brass utensil filled with Ganga
> jal, at home.
> b) Do not wear garlands, or disrespect ascetics or saints or cut a
> peepal tree.
> Now in point (a) if the native is staying away from his mother, then
> where must the utensil of gangajal be kept ? IN the natives home, or his
> mothers home ?
> In point ( b ) what is the meaning of garlands ? Does it mean also the
> tulsi mala which one wears in regular, or does it mean something else ?
> regards,
> Bhaskar.

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