Friday, January 23, 2009

[astrostudents] Re: saturn 4th house- to buy house or not to buy

Dear Mohit Ji,
It is policy of the group that no personal kundlis will be discussed
here. You can discuss your kundli either in groups meant specially for
this purpose or members can discuss individually through email.

--- In, Mohit Goel <mr_mohitg@...> wrote:
> Respected learned member
> my DOB is 30.11.1976- time : 15: 15- delhi
> Mesh lagna with Ketu .
> Jupitar in second house
> Saturn in 4th house ( kark rashi)
> rahu in 7th house
> Sun, mars and mercury in 8th house
> Venus in 9th house
> Moon in 12th house ( meen rashi)
> Current dasha : mer- saturn - rahu.
> i have been struglling in my life since last 14 years . what ever i
intend to do is never completed with satisfaction. lost my mother 1
year back and since then surronded by depression.
> Recently i planned to buy to single room flat but a astrologer told
me that since i have saturn in 4th house , if i buy or construct any
house i will be ruined.. he didnt explain any thing and told me that
my life is full of struggles and miseries
> since then i  unable to decide what to do... property market has
crashed and i just wanted to buy a flat for future safety ..but his
statements made be terrible afraid.
> please help with your important inputs
> regards
> Mohit
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