Sunday, August 10, 2008

Re: [astrostudents] 15 DAYS NO MESSAGE

Hi Group Members
We are watching all kind of senseless rumours about Shani, 8-8-8 and Pralaya and other natural disasters by many TV Channels and their anchors. This is causing a panic among people. Let's  all try to create an awareness about falshood of such rumours too in whatever way we can and save astrology from being misused and spoiled by such fly by night BABA's and Astologers on TV Channels who are misguiding the masses.
I hope people are bit busy somwhere. But soon the group shall restart its discussions.
Thanks and best wishes to all
Shatendra Sharma
Prof. Shatendra K Sharma
Advanced Instrumentation Facility
USIC, Jawaharlal Nehru University
New Delhi-110067

--- On Sat, 9/8/08, vivian tandon <> wrote:
From: vivian tandon <>
Subject: Re: [astrostudents] 15 DAYS NO MESSAGE
Date: Saturday, 9 August, 2008, 8:33 PM

Hi Group!!!
Sorry I was away for sometime and could not be in touch....... ........ but wot is this I came
 and checked my mails to see that there are actually no mails to check at all......... ...Hey all wot happened dear???????? ?........ ...Come on let us tell that we are alive bhei!!!!.... .......We will keep our group alive....... ......... .Lets start with a new topic now    and ........I think we left at BUDH NUMBER 1........... ..SO LET US BEGIN WITH BUDH NUMBER 2 NOW....RIGHT? ???
PRABHAKAR JI PLZ SHOW SOME LIGHT ON BUDH NUMBER-2 WITH UR INVINCIBLE WISDOM SIR......... ......... ......... .......Nirmal ji plz urge our group to keep responding and not to sleep for FIFTEEN LONG DAYS SIR.....Its a long silence..... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... Vivian...
--- On Thu, 7/8/08, astrosleuthus <astrosleuthus@> wrote:
From: astrosleuthus <astrosleuthus@>
Subject: [astrostudents] 15 DAYS NO MESSAGE
To: astrostudents@ yahoogroups. com
Date: Thursday, 7 August, 2008, 8:55 PM

I am a new and keenly watcher of this group and i am realy upset why
for the last 15 days there is no message on this group , god keep this
group for humanity


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