Monday, March 14, 2011

[astrostudents] Re: regarding Shani good or bad.


Dear Jitin Ji

Lal Kitab has given many details of how to judge whether the Shani is benefic or malefic in a horoscope through Ilm Kyafa (indications given by the objects, relationships & situations in the person's environment), Palmistry(marks & condition of mount of Saturn, fate line etc.) Astrology (svabhava of Shani, placement of Shani, aspects of other planets on Shani as well as the aspects of Shani on other planets, varshphal & the position of Shani in the 35 year cycle including the effects it will give during its first cycle of 35 years or second cycle of 35 years).

All these rules given in the Lal Kitab are universal rules applicable to all humans in all societies.

Now, there are certain genetic & cultural factors which also show their effects on the person. For example, I have noticed that a person who is descended as a Jain for many generations will contract a liver malfunction & even cirrhosis of the liver even if they drink liquor in small quantities. These cultural habit patterns have existed for a number of generations/ years thereby bringing about "limited time immunity" from such foods. If the reactions come early, it is actually their good fortune since they can be attended to early, but if the disease does not show itself but instead settles in the deeper layer of tissues, it may re-surface after years as cancer or heart ailment or some serious disease which becomes difficult to cure.

Similarly, in life, success cannot be measured by what is happening in the near future or by earning money & enjoying comforts all of which are temporary. What will happen to the oil-rich countries when they exhaust their reserves of oil or when the world shifts to alternative sources of energy for their needs.

This is where universal laws will apply which exist for all times & in all conditions. This is what the Lal Kitab gives as a message. It is helping you to improve an individual's Karma so that the individual gets a positive start in a future lifetime too.  

Shani represents the night having at its borders Rahu (evening) & Ketu (morning before sunrise). This is the serpent of Shani enveloping the world in darkness. All three are Paapi Grahas. See when (night time) the western world spends its energy & money majorly for enjoyment. Our standards of good & enjoyable life have shifted, thus shifting our "understanding" of what is "good life(?)". Western direction is Shani. The senior citizens (Shani) of these countries live in old age homes. Their way of "looking" (Shani) is different. (dare I call it aberrant!) All the words within the inverted commas are Shani!

Welcome to Kaliyug.

Best regards

--- In, JITIN SYAL <jitinsyal82@...> wrote:
> Yes, i agree with Harinder ji, bad eyesight and problems/loss from machinery (including one's vehicle) usually denotes malefic saturn (exception applies).
> Also a non-vegetarian and alcoholic lifestyle is a sign of malefic Saturn, however i know many Australians (or any other western nationality) who eat meat for breakfast, lunch and dinner and yet have very good or benefic Saturn. likewise in our country, groups/faiths like jain/pandits who mainly observe a pure vegetarian lifestyle have been seen to have malefic Saturn.
> I guess this is where the more experienced members of the group can help us with their personal findings in the above topic.what are the give-aways or sure shot signs of malefic Saturn?Similarly, if anyone else have any findings for any other planets, please share your valuable knowledge with us students.
> RegardsJitin Syal
> --- On Sat, 5/3/11, Harinder harinder77711@... wrote:
> From: Harinder harinder77711@...
> Subject: [astrostudents] Re: regarding Shani good or bad.
> To:
> Date: Saturday, 5 March, 2011, 22:29
> Dear Naresh Ji
> And how about if Sun is strong or placed in the 1st house? What if hair on body is less/ hair on head is thick/ eyesight is good/ person profits from machinery, iron, leather? And how about the svabhava of Shani? The individual drinks liquor or eats non veg? Etc.
> Does getting up in the morning & praying/ starting the day early also signify a good Saturn or are we now pointing to Jupiter?
> Can we really deduce that the person has a good Shani just because he gets up early in the morning? Does the role of other planets like Sun or Jupiter or maybe even Ketu have any role to play?
> I personally believe many factors combine to give a result. These are sincere questions. Please dont stop sharing. We could learn from each other's experience.
> Best regards
> Harinder
> --- In, "Naresh" nareshmehta11957@ wrote:
> >
> > Respected and Dear Astrostudents Its my small observation regarding
> > Shani that if a person have a good Shani in kundli in any house, then he
> > sleep early or later and rise early, and if he goes in bed early or
> > later and could not sleep aerly and could not stand early in the
> > morning, means a bad Shani in any house of kundli. like wise if a
> > astro students minutely observe any grehas kark he will be a great
> > astro.
> > RegardsNaresh Mehta
> >

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