Wednesday, March 30, 2011

[astrostudents] Re: [AIA] Pakka Ghar no.8, Lal Kitab - 1942 page 24


Thanks Sreenadh Ji, You have made the things easier for members

--- In, Sreenadh OG <sreesog@...> wrote:
> Hi Vijay Goel ji,
>   I have attached the file by you as pdf for readability of Devanagari fonts.
> Love and regards,
> Sreenadh
> --- On Wed, 3/30/11, Vijay Goel <goyalvj@...> wrote:
> From: Vijay Goel <goyalvj@...>
> Subject: [AIA] Pakka Ghar no.8, Lal Kitab - 1942 page 24 [1 Attachment]
> To:, chetansud23@..., lalkitabgoshthi@...,,
> Cc: "Vijay Goel" <goelvj@...>
> Date: Wednesday, March 30, 2011, 9:41 AM
> [Attachment(s) from Vijay Goel included below]
> Dear Moderators,
> I am trying to post for two days but yahoo has some problems, hence i am sending this file to you.
> Regards,
> Vijay
> -----------
> Pakka Ghar no.8, Lal Kitab - 1942 page 24
> Respected Members,
> In continuation of the series i am posting Khana number 8, Lk-1942.
> 8H results behaves like 'Tit for Tat'.
> घर
> ८वा है मौत निमाणी, मंगल बद ही लेते है.
> ग्रह नर में से कोई ८वे, मौत टली ही लेते है.
> Ghara 8vā hai mauta nimānī, maṅgala
> bada hī lete hai. 
> Graha nara meṁ se kō'ī 8ve, mauta ṭalī hī lete hai.
> 8H is consider the house of death, Mars Badh (negative) is
> significance for death.
> Male planets placed in this house averts the death.
> Jupiter, Mars, Sun are male planets if posited here either alone or in any
> combination will avoid death to take place.
> (We can observe that in varshphal if these planets come in 8H, death will not
> occur in that particular year)
> अगला हिस्सा घर पहला तो, ८वा पीठ भी होती है.
> बद सुतर की पीठ ही अपनी, नीची-ऊँची होती है.
> Agalā his'sā ghara pahalā tō, 8vā pīṭha
> bhī hōtī hai. 
> Bada sutara kī pīṭha hī apanī, nīcī-ūm̐cī hōtī hai.
> The chest portion is 1H and 8H is dorsum (back) of the body.
> Many ups & downs like  a camal's dorsum.
> The dorsum is signified by Mars Badh (negative) except spinal cord
> which is ketu.
> तरफ जुनूबी, कच्चा कोइला, जनमुरीदी होती है.
> कच्ची चर्बी, खून हो मंदा, पित्त मेदे की होती है.
> Tarapha junūbī, kaccā kō'ilā, janamurīdī hōtī hai.
> Kaccī carbī, khūna hō mandā, pitta mede kī hōtī hai.
> Direction is South, Charcoal, faithful to wife.
> Fat which is not digested, impurity of blood, acidity due to white
> flour.
> शनि-मंगल का झगडा होता, केतु चीजे मंदी हो.
> छत  मकान से नीचे उतरे, चारपाई भी मंदी हो.
> Åšani-maá¹…gala kā jhagaḍā hōtā, kÄ"tu cÄ«je mandÄ« hō. 
> Chata makāna sÄ" nÄ«ce utare, cārapā'Ä« bhÄ« mandÄ« hō.
> In the fight of Mars & Saturn, the things of Ketu will be
> destroyed or subdued.
> The fall of ceiling in the house and bad conditioning of bed is
> seen.
> घर ८वा जब ‌‍‍‍‍‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‍‍‍‌बदी पे आवे, २-६ भी आ मिलता
> है.
> १२ ख्वाह हो दूर ही बैठा, फैसला इसका लेते है.
> Ghara 8vā jaba badÄ« pÄ" āve, 2-6 bhÄ« ā milatā hai. 
> 12 Khvāha hō dūra hī baiṭhā,
> phaisalā isakā lete hai.
> If 8H turns malefic than the mixing effect of 2, 6H (due to aspect)
> is simultaneously considered.   
> 12H though is at distance (may be enemy planet there) but final results is seen
> from it.
> मंगल बद है सब से मंदा, मंदा जादू मंतर है.
> एक अकेला हर दम अच्छा, शनि, मंगल या चंद्र है.
> Maṅgala bada hai saba se mandā,
> mandā jādū mantara hai. 
> Ä'ka akelā hara dama acchā, Å›ani, maá¹…gala
> yā candra hai.
> Mars Negative is very bad as it indicate magic spell and be-charm.
> [page 75, LK-1952] Alone Saturn, Mars or Moon give benefic result
> in this house.
> But if any two or three together than they will produce malefic
> result or death.
> घर ११ हे दुनिया के अंदर, ८ को बाहर गिनते है.
> घर ११ की चीजे जो आवे, छत गिरी ही लेते है.
> Ghara 11 he duniyā ke andara, 8 kō bāhara ginate hai. 
> Ghara 11 kī cīje jō āve, chata girī hī lete hai.
> The entry to world is 11H and exit is 8H.
> If the thing of 11H is bought than fall of roof is consider.
> When in varshphal (yearly chart) planet in 11H come in 11H or 8H,
> than that year things related to 11H planet(s) should not be purchased to
> prevent health and financial loss.
> मींह का पानी या दूध हो छत पर, बुध चांदी से बांधते है,
> आतशी शीशा जब कभी चमके, खतम कहानी गिनते है.
> Mīnha kā pānī yā dūdha hō chata para, budha cāndī se bāndhate
> hai, 
> Ātaśī śīśā jaba kabhī camake, khatama kahānī ginate hai.
> Water of rain or milk at the rooftop, embankment of mercury is done
> by silver.
> The bright dazzling red color (mars negative) dress of the girl
> (mercury) causes end of 8H.
> [From pg 76, LK-1952] Mercury alone is always bad in 8H and Mars alone
> also many times bad in 8H but when both mars and mercury are together in 8H
> than they will act as benefic unless and until Saturn is not in 2H. Else mars
> will be mars negative.
> शनि, मंगल à¤"र चंदर टेवे, कही भी इसके बैठे हो.
> फल वैसे ही घर ८वे के, उस टेवे में होते है.
> Śani, maṅgala aura candara ṭeve, kahī bhī isake baiṭhe
> hō. 
> Phala vaise hī ghara 8ve ke, usa ṭeve
> meṁ hōte hai.
> The position and status of Saturn, Mars & Moon in the horoscope
> will say the results of 8H.
> -----
> Special aspects rules of 8H :
> 1) Sun, Jupiter or Moon either alone or in any combination sits in
> 8H, than the aspect of 8H will not go to 2H reversely nor to 12H forwardly. The
> effect will be limited to 8H only. (योगी जंगी जीत ).[pg. 75-76, LK-1952]
> 2) The malefic effect of 8H will reach to its roots to 4H through 2H,
> but if 2H is empty, than maleficence will be limited to 8H.
> 3) If in 11H planet is enemy to planet in 8H, than effect of reverse
> aspect to 2H will be absent and confine to 8H only.
> ----------
> Relationship of 8H with 3H:
> बैठा
> कोई ग्रह जब तक तीजे , मौत टली ही गिनते है [पेज 75,
> lk-52]
> Baiṭhā
> kō'ī graha jaba taka tīje, mauta ṭalī
> hī ginate hai.
> When there is any planet in 3H than death is averted.
> "3 मंदा काने पग १२ " उम्दा उसके , असर खाना ८ करता
> है [पेज 65, Lk-52]
> "3 Mandā kāne paga
> 12" umdā usakÄ", asara khānā 8 karatā hai.
> Here Idiom is used . The results of planets in 3H will be good or bad will be
> seen from 8H
> --------------
> While writing this post i heard the news from mine client. He had
> the beautiful baby on 28th march 2011, 17:30 hrs, Dausa, India.
> In her chart please check the many planets are in 8H. :)
> interesting case .)
> If readability is weak than u can see here :
> Thanks & Regards,
> Vijay Goel
> Astrologer & Vastu Consultant.
> Mob
> : 09214502239.
> Attachment(s) from Vijay Goel
> 1 of 1 File(s)
> Pakka Ghar no 8 LK-42.doc

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Re: [astrostudents] Re: Rahu in hindi


there is not in HINDI
 please give  in HINDI.

--- On Mon, 28/3/11, Cafe Cafe <> wrote:

From: Cafe Cafe <>
Subject: Re: [astrostudents] Re: Rahu in hindi
Date: Monday, 28 March, 2011, 12:59 PM

I donot read this mail. Plz tell me best remedies of Rahu.

--- On Sun, 27/3/11, vijay.goel <> wrote:

From: vijay.goel <>
Subject: [astrostudents] Re: Rahu in hindi
Date: Sunday, 27 March, 2011, 3:20 AM

Even i don't get it.

--- In, haresh pancholi <hpancholi75@...> wrote:
> Respected Narehji, i couldn't find font of the same lail will you help me for this?Thanks & Regads,Haresh Pancholi.
> --- On Thu, 17/3/11, Naresh <nareshmehta11957@...> wrote:
> From: Naresh <nareshmehta11957@...>
> Subject: [astrostudents] Rahu in hindi
> To:
> Date: Thursday, 17 March, 2011, 5:40 AM
> &#2310;&#2342;&#2381;&#2352;&#2339;&#2367;&#2351; &#2310;&#2360;&#2381;&#2335;&#2381;&#2352;&#2379;&#2360;&#2381;&#2335;&#2369;&#2337;&#2375;&#2306;&#2335;&#2381;&#2360; &#2327;&#2381;&#2352;&#2369;&#2346; &#2325;&#2375; &#2350;&#2366;&#2339;&#2344;&#2367;&#2351; &#2360;&#2342;&#2381;&#2360;&#2381;&#2351; &#2360;&#2366;&#2361;&#2348;&#2366;&#2344;&#2379; &#2332;&#2368;
> &#2344;&#2350;&#2360;&#2340;&#2375;
> &#2350;&#2376;&#2306; &#2310;&#2346; &#2360;&#2349;&#2368; &#2325;&#2379; &#2346;&#2381;&#2352;&#2339;&#2366;&#2350; &#2325;&#2352;&#2340;&#2366; &#2361;&#2369;&#2306;, &#2340;&#2341;&#2366; &#2361;&#2367;&#2344;&#2381;&#2342;&#2368; &#2350;&#2375;&#2306; &#2354;&#2367;&#2326;&#2344;&#2375; &#2325;&#2368; &#2325;&#2379;&#2358;&#2367;&#2358; &#2325;&#2352;&#2340;&#2366; &#2361;&#2369;&#2306;, &#2332;&#2376;&#2360;&#2366; &#2325;&#2368; &#2310;&#2346; &#2360;&#2349;&#2368; &#2332;&#2366;&#2344;&#2340;&#2375; &#2361;&#2376;&#2306; &#2325;&#2367; &#2352;&#2366;&#2361;&#2369; &#2343;&#2369;&#2351;&#2366;&#2306;, &#2342;&#2367;&#2350;&#2366;&#2327;&#2368; &#2360;&#2379;&#2330;, &#2354;&#2366;&#2346;&#2352;&#2348;&#2366;&#2361;&#2368;, &#2350;&#2360;&#2381;&#2340; &#2361;&#2366;&#2341;&#2368; , &#2352;&#2366;&#2361;&#2369; &#2309;&#2330;&#2381;&#2331;&#2366; &#2361;&#2379; &#2340;&#2379; &#2310;&#2342;&#2350;&#2368; &#2325;&#2368; &#2360;&#2379;&#2330;
> &#2309;&#2330;&#2381;&#2331;&#2368; &#2361;&#2379;&#2327;&#2368;, &#2324;&#2352; &#2309;&#2327;&#2352; &#2352;&#2366;&#2361;&#2369; &#2348;&#2369;&#2352;&#2366; &#2361;&#2379; &#2340;&#2379; &#2310;&#2342;&#2350;&#2368; &#2325;&#2368; &#2360;&#2379;&#2330; &#2348;&#2369;&#2352;&#2368; &#2361;&#2379;&#2327;&#2368;, &#2340;&#2341;&#2366; &#2360;&#2348;&#2349;&#2366;&#2348; &#2309;&#2346;&#2344;&#2368; &#2350;&#2352;&#2332;&#2368; &#2360;&#2375; &#2330;&#2354;&#2344;&#2375; &#2325;&#2366; &#2361;&#2379;&#2327;&#2366;, ( &#2332;&#2376;&#2360;&#2375; &#2313;&#2342;&#2366;&#2361;&#2352;&#2344; &#2325;&#2375; &#2340;&#2380;&#2352; &#2346;&#2352; &#2325;&#2361;&#2340;&#2375; &#2361;&#2376;&#2306;, &#2325;&#2367; &#2325;&#2369;&#2340;&#2375; &#2349;&#2379;&#2325;&#2340;&#2375; &#2352;&#2361;&#2375;, &#2361;&#2366;&#2341;&#2368; &#2309;&#2346;&#2344;&#2368; &#2330;&#2366;&#2354; &#2330;&#2354;&#2340;&#2366; &#2352;&#2361;&#2366;) &#2352;&#2366;&#2361;&#2369;
> &#2326;&#2352;&#2366;&#2348; &#2357;&#2366;&#2354;&#2366; &#2309;&#2346;&#2344;&#2368; &#2350;&#2360;&#2381;&#2340; &#2330;&#2366;&#2354; &#2360;&#2375; &#2325;&#2366;&#2350; &#2325;&#2352;&#2340;&#2366; &#2361;&#2379;&#2327;&#2366; &#2313;&#2360;&#2375; &#2325;&#2367;&#2360;&#2368; &#2325;&#2368; &#2349;&#2368; &#2346;&#2352;&#2348;&#2366;&#2361; &#2344; &#2361;&#2379;&#2327;&#2368;, &#2324;&#2352; &#2319;&#2325; &#2348;&#2366;&#2340; &#2352;&#2366;&#2361;&#2369; &#2326;&#2352;&#2366;&#2348; &#2357;&#2366;&#2354;&#2366; &#2309;&#2346;&#2344;&#2366; &#2325;&#2379;&#2312; &#2349;&#2368; &#2325;&#2366;&#2350; &#2360;&#2350;&#2351; &#2325;&#2375; &#2310;&#2326;&#2367;&#2352; &#2340;&#2325; &#2335;&#2366;&#2354;&#2344;&#2375; &#2325;&#2368; &#2325;&#2379;&#2358;&#2367;&#2358; &#2325;&#2352;&#2344;&#2375; &#2325;&#2366; &#2310;&#2342;&#2367; &#2361;&#2379;&#2327;&#2366;, &#2325;&#2349;&#2368; &#2349;&#2368; &#2309;&#2346;&#2344;&#2366; &#2325;&#2379;&#2312;
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> &#2325;&#2379; &#2325;&#2369;&#2344;&#2381;&#2337;&#2381;&#2354;&#2368; &#2350;&#2375;&#2306; &#2337;&#2369;&#2306;&#2337;&#2381;&#2344;&#2366; &#2361;&#2376;, &#2361;&#2352; &#2330;&#2368;&#2332; &#2325;&#2379; &#2309;&#2344;&#2381;&#2342;&#2352; &#2360;&#2375; &#2309;&#2344;&#2381;&#2342;&#2352; &#2309;&#2354;&#2327; &#2309;&#2354;&#2327; &#2325;&#2352;&#2325;&#2375; &#2313;&#2344;&#2325;&#2375; &#2325;&#2366;&#2352;&#2325; &#2327;&#2381;&#2352;&#2361; &#2325;&#2379; &#2342;&#2375;&#2326; &#2325;&#2352;, &#2313;&#2344; &#2327;&#2381;&#2352;&#2361;&#2379; &#2325;&#2379; &#2325;&#2369;&#2344;&#2381;&#2337;&#2381;&#2354;&#2368; &#2350;&#2375; &#2309;&#2360;&#2352; &#2325;&#2375; &#2309;&#2344;&#2369;&#2360;&#2366;&#2352; &#2342;&#2375;&#2326; &#2325;&#2352;, &#2313;&#2344; &#2360;&#2349;&#2368; &#2325;&#2366; &#2350;&#2367;&#2354;&#2366; &#2332;&#2369;&#2354;&#2366; &#2309;&#2360;&#2352; &#2332;&#2379; &#2349;&#2368; &#2310; &#2352;&#2361;&#2366;
> &#2361;&#2379;&#2327;&#2366;, &#2313;&#2360; &#2325;&#2366; &#2346;&#2325;&#2381;&#2325;&#2366; &#2309;&#2360;&#2352; &#2332;&#2366;&#2340;&#2325; &#2325;&#2375; &#2358;&#2352;&#2368;&#2352; &#2360;&#2375; &#2324;&#2352; &#2350;&#2369;&#2361;&#2306; &#2360;&#2375; &#2342;&#2367;&#2326;&#2366;&#2312; &#2342;&#2375;&#2327;&#2366; &#2404; &#2313;&#2342;&#2366;&#2361;&#2381;&#2352;&#2381;&#2339; &#2325;&#2375; &#2340;&#2380;&#2352; &#2346;&#2352; &#2319;&#2325; &#2346;&#2375;&#2344; &#2332;&#2379; &#2354;&#2366;&#2354; &#2325;&#2367;&#2340;&#2366;&#2348; &#2350;&#2375;&#2306; &#2354;&#2367;&#2326;&#2366; &#2361;&#2376; &#2325;&#2367; &#2360;&#2369;&#2344;&#2367;&#2361;&#2352;&#2368; &#2325;&#2376;&#2346; (&#2327;&#2379;&#2354;&#2337;&#2344;) &#2360;&#2369;&#2352;&#2381;&#2351; &#2325;&#2366; , &#2354;&#2366;&#2354; &#2348;&#2375;&#2360; &#2350;&#2327;&#2306;&#2354; &#2325;&#2366;, &#2350;&#2375; &#2309;&#2354;&#2327; &#2309;&#2354;&#2327;
> &#2352;&#2327;&#2379;&#2306; &#2325;&#2368; &#2358;&#2366;&#2361;&#2368; &#2351;&#2344;&#2367; &#2325;&#2367; &#2361;&#2352;&#2368; &#2348;&#2369;&#2343; &#2325;&#2368;, &#2344;&#2368;&#2354;&#2368; &#2358;&#2369;&#2325;&#2381;&#2352; &#2325;&#2368;, &#2325;&#2366;&#2354;&#2368; &#2358;&#2344;&#2368; &#2325;&#2368; &#2310;&#2342;&#2367; &#2310;&#2342;&#2367; &#2404;
> &#2352;&#2366;&#2361;&#2369; &#2325;&#2375;&#2340;&#2369; &#2332;&#2376;&#2360;&#2375; &#2342;&#2379; &#2352;&#2306;&#2327;&#2375; &#2361;&#2376;&#2306; &#2350;&#2327;&#2352; &#2313;&#2344; &#2350;&#2375;&#2306; &#2309;&#2327;&#2352; &#2354;&#2366;&#2354; &#2352;&#2306;&#2344;&#2381;&#2327; &#2310; &#2332;&#2366;&#2319; &#2340;&#2379; &#2309;&#2348; &#2351;&#2375; &#2342;&#2379;&#2352;&#2306;&#2327;&#2366; &#2352;&#2366;&#2361;&#2369; &#2325;&#2375;&#2340;&#2369; &#2325;&#2366; &#2344; &#2361;&#2379;&#2327;&#2366;, &#2325;&#2367;&#2344;&#2381;&#2351;&#2370; &#2325;&#2367; &#2332;&#2361;&#2366;&#2306; &#2350;&#2306;&#2327;&#2354; &#2361;&#2379;&#2327;&#2366; &#2348;&#2361;&#2366; &#2352;&#2366;&#2361;&#2369; &#2325;&#2375;&#2340;&#2369; &#2344; &#2361;&#2379;&#2327;&#2366; &#2404; &#2311;&#2360; &#2354;&#2367;&#2319; &#2346;&#2375;&#2344; &#2325;&#2366; &#2348;&#2375;&#2360; &#2354;&#2366;&#2354; &#2352;&#2306;&#2327; &#2325;&#2366;
> &#2354;&#2367;&#2326;&#2366; &#2327;&#2351;&#2366; &#2361;&#2376;&#2404;
> &#2325;&#2369;&#2344;&#2381;&#2337;&#2381;&#2354;&#2368; &#2350;&#2375;&#2306; &#2325;&#2312; &#2348;&#2366;&#2352; &#2325;&#2379;&#2312; &#2327;&#2381;&#2352;&#2361; &#2340;&#2379; &#2309;&#2330;&#2381;&#2331;&#2366; &#2351;&#2366; &#2348;&#2369;&#2352;&#2366; &#2348;&#2376;&#2335;&#2366; &#2361;&#2379;&#2340;&#2366; &#2361;&#2376; &#2350;&#2327;&#2352; &#2332;&#2366;&#2340;&#2325; &#2346;&#2352; &#2313;&#2360; &#2325;&#2366; &#2309;&#2360;&#2352; &#2310;&#2346; &#2325;&#2379; &#2313;&#2354;&#2381;&#2335;&#2366; &#2361;&#2368; &#2342;&#2367;&#2326;&#2375;&#2306; &#2324;&#2352; &#2313;&#2360; &#2325;&#2375; &#2349;&#2375;&#2342; &#2325;&#2366; &#2346;&#2340;&#2366; &#2344; &#2330;&#2354;&#2375; &#2351;&#2366; &#2325;&#2380;&#2344; &#2360;&#2366; &#2327;&#2381;&#2352;&#2361; &#2313;&#2360; &#2325;&#2379; &#2349;&#2375;&#2342; &#2325;&#2352; &#2352;&#2361;&#2366; &#2361;&#2376; &#2360;&#2350;&#2333; &#2344; &#2310;&#2319; &#2340;&#2379;
> &#2332;&#2366;&#2340;&#2325; &#2325;&#2375; &#2358;&#2352;&#2368;&#2352; &#2346;&#2352; &#2360;&#2375; &#2313;&#2360; &#2325;&#2366; &#2346;&#2325;&#2381;&#2325;&#2366; &#2346;&#2340;&#2366; &#2330;&#2354; &#2360;&#2325;&#2340;&#2366; &#2361;&#2376;,
> &#2309;&#2327;&#2352; &#2350;&#2376;&#2306; &#2310;&#2346; &#2325;&#2379; &#2325;&#2361;&#2369;&#2306; &#2325;&#2367; &#2346;&#2369;&#2352;&#2366;&#2344;&#2375; &#2360;&#2350;&#2351; &#2350;&#2375;&#2306; &#2332;&#2367;&#2340;&#2344;&#2375; &#2349;&#2368; &#2350;&#2361;&#2366;&#2344; &#2309;&#2360;&#2381;&#2340;&#2381;&#2352;&#2379;&#2354;&#2379;&#2332;&#2352; &#2361;&#2369;&#2319; &#2361;&#2376;&#2306;, &#2351;&#2366; &#2332;&#2367;&#2340;&#2344;&#2375; &#2349;&#2368; &#2343;&#2366;&#2352;&#2381;&#2350;&#2367;&#2325; &#2310;&#2327;&#2369; &#2332;&#2366;&#2351;&#2342;&#2366; &#2346;&#2366;&#2346;&#2369;&#2354;&#2352; &#2361;&#2369;&#2319; &#2361;&#2376;&#2306; &#2360;&#2349;&#2368; &#2312;&#2360;&#2368; &#2340;&#2366;&#2352;&#2368;&#2325;&#2375; &#2360;&#2375; &#2342;&#2375;&#2326;&#2340;&#2375; &#2341;&#2375;,
> &#2310;&#2332; &#2349;&#2368; &#2361;&#2350;&#2366;&#2352;&#2375; &#2348;&#2361;&#2370;&#2340; &#2360;&#2375; &#2352;&#2367;&#2358;&#2367; &#2350;&#2369;&#2344;&#2368; &#2311;&#2360; &#2325;&#2379; &#2346;&#2352;&#2351;&#2364;&#2378;&#2327; &#2325;&#2352;&#2340;&#2375; &#2361;&#2376;&#2306; &#2350;&#2327;&#2352; &#2309;&#2346;&#2344;&#2368; &#2348;&#2366;&#2340; &#2342;&#2369;&#2360;&#2352;&#2379; &#2325;&#2379; &#2344;&#2361;&#2368; &#2348;&#2340;&#2366;&#2340;&#2375;, &#2310;&#2332; &#2325;&#2375; &#2354;&#2367;&#2351; &#2311;&#2340;&#2344;&#2366; &#2325;&#2366;&#2347;&#2368; &#2361;&#2376; &#2404;
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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

[astrostudents] Re: [AIA] Pakka Ghar no.8, Lal Kitab - 1942 page 24 [1 Attachment]

[Attachment(s) from Sreenadh OG included below]

Hi Vijay Goel ji,
  I have attached the file by you as pdf for readability of Devanagari fonts.
Love and regards,

--- On Wed, 3/30/11, Vijay Goel <> wrote:

From: Vijay Goel <>
Subject: [AIA] Pakka Ghar no.8, Lal Kitab - 1942 page 24 [1 Attachment]
Cc: "Vijay Goel" <>
Date: Wednesday, March 30, 2011, 9:41 AM

[Attachment(s) from Vijay Goel included below]

Dear Moderators,

I am trying to post for two days but yahoo has some problems, hence i am sending this file to you.



Pakka Ghar no.8, Lal Kitab - 1942 page 24


Respected Members,


In continuation of the series i am posting Khana number 8, Lk-1942.

8H results behaves like 'Tit for Tat'.
घर ८वा है मौत निमाणी, मंगल बद ही लेते है.

ग्रह नर में से कोई ८वे, मौत टली ही लेते है.

Ghara 8vā hai mauta nimānī, magala bada hī lete hai. 

Graha nara me se kō'ī 8ve, mauta alī hī lete hai.


8H is consider the house of death, Mars Badh (negative) is significance for death.

Male planets placed in this house averts the death.
Jupiter, Mars, Sun are male planets if posited here either alone or in any combination will avoid death to take place.
(We can observe that in varshphal if these planets come in 8H, death will not occur in that particular year)


अगला हिस्सा घर पहला तो, ८वा पीठ भी होती है.

बद सुतर की पीठ ही अपनी, नीची-ऊँची होती है.

Agalā his'sā ghara pahalā tō, 8vā pīha bhī hōtī hai. 

Bada sutara kī pīha hī apanī, nīcī-ūm̐cī hōtī hai.


The chest portion is 1H and 8H is dorsum (back) of the body.

Many ups & downs like  a camal's dorsum.

The dorsum is signified by Mars Badh (negative) except spinal cord which is ketu.


तरफ जुनूबी, कच्चा कोइला, जनमुरीदी होती है.

कच्ची चर्बी, खून हो मंदा, पित्त मेदे की होती है.

Tarapha junūbī, kaccā kō'ilā, janamurīdī hōtī hai.

Kaccī carbī, khūna hō mandā, pitta mede kī hōtī hai.


Direction is South, Charcoal, faithful to wife.

Fat which is not digested, impurity of blood, acidity due to white flour.


शनि-मंगल का झगडा होता, केतु चीजे मंदी हो.

छत  मकान से नीचे उतरे, चारपाई भी मंदी हो.

Śani-magala kā jhagaā hōtā, kētu cīje mandī hō. 

Chata makāna sē nīce utare, cārapā'ī bhī mandī hō.


In the fight of Mars & Saturn, the things of Ketu will be destroyed or subdued.

The fall of ceiling in the house and bad conditioning of bed is seen.


घर ८वा जब ‌‍‍‍‍‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‍‍‍‌बदी पे आवे, २-६ भी आ मिलता है.

१२ ख्वाह हो दूर ही बैठा, फैसला इसका लेते है.

Ghara 8vā jaba badī pē āve, 2-6 bhī ā milatā hai. 

12 Khvāha hō dūra hī baihā, phaisalā isakā lete hai.


If 8H turns malefic than the mixing effect of 2, 6H (due to aspect) is simultaneously considered.   
12H though is at distance (may be enemy planet there) but final results is seen from it.


मंगल बद है सब से मंदा, मंदा जादू मंतर है.

एक अकेला हर दम अच्छा, शनि, मंगल या चंद्र है.

Magala bada hai saba se mandā, mandā jādū mantara hai. 

Ēka akelā hara dama acchā, śani, magala yā candra hai.

Mars Negative is very bad as it indicate magic spell and be-charm.

[page 75, LK-1952] Alone Saturn, Mars or Moon give benefic result in this house.

But if any two or three together than they will produce malefic result or death.


घर ११ हे दुनिया के अंदर, ८ को बाहर गिनते है.

घर ११ की चीजे जो आवे, छत गिरी ही लेते है.

Ghara 11 he duniyā ke andara, 8 kō bāhara ginate hai. 

Ghara 11 kī cīje jō āve, chata girī hī lete hai.


The entry to world is 11H and exit is 8H.

If the thing of 11H is bought than fall of roof is consider.

When in varshphal (yearly chart) planet in 11H come in 11H or 8H, than that year things related to 11H planet(s) should not be purchased to prevent health and financial loss.


मींह का पानी या दूध हो छत पर, बुध चांदी से बांधते है,

आतशी शीशा जब कभी चमके, खतम कहानी गिनते है.

Mīnha kā pānī yā dūdha hō chata para, budha cāndī se bāndhate hai, 

Ātaśī śīśā jaba kabhī camake, khatama kahānī ginate hai.


Water of rain or milk at the rooftop, embankment of mercury is done by silver.

The bright dazzling red color (mars negative) dress of the girl (mercury) causes end of 8H.

[From pg 76, LK-1952]
Mercury alone is always bad in 8H and Mars alone also many times bad in 8H but when both mars and mercury are together in 8H than they will act as benefic unless and until Saturn is not in 2H. Else mars will be mars negative.

शनि, मंगल और चंदर टेवे, कही भी इसके बैठे हो.

फल वैसे ही घर ८वे के, उस टेवे में होते है.

Śani, magala aura candara eve, kahī bhī isake baihe hō. 

Phala vaise hī ghara 8ve ke, usa eve me hōte hai.


The position and status of Saturn, Mars & Moon in the horoscope will say the results of 8H.


Special aspects rules of 8H :


1) Sun, Jupiter or Moon either alone or in any combination sits in 8H, than the aspect of 8H will not go to 2H reversely nor to 12H forwardly. The effect will be limited to 8H only. (योगी जंगी जीत ).[pg. 75-76, LK-1952]


2) The malefic effect of 8H will reach to its roots to 4H through 2H, but if 2H is empty, than maleficence will be limited to 8H.

3) If in 11H planet is enemy to planet in 8H, than effect of reverse aspect to 2H will be absent and confine to 8H only.



Relationship of 8H with 3H:

बैठा कोई ग्रह जब तक तीजे , मौत टली ही गिनते है [पेज 75, lk-52]
hā kō'ī graha jaba taka tīje, mauta alī hī ginate hai.

When there is any planet in 3H than death is averted.


"3 मंदा काने पग १२ " उम्दा उसके , असर खाना ८ करता है [पेज 65, Lk-52]

"3 Mandā kāne paga 12" umdā usakē, asara khānā 8 karatā hai.

Here Idiom is used . The results of planets in 3H will be good or bad will be seen from 8H


While writing this post i heard the news from mine client. He had the beautiful baby on 28th march 2011, 17:30 hrs, Dausa, India.

In her chart please check the many planets are in 8H. :) interesting case .)

If readability is weak than u can see here :

Thanks & Regards,

Vijay Goel

Astrologer & Vastu Consultant.

Mob : 09214502239.

Attachment(s) from Vijay Goel

1 of 1 File(s)


Attachment(s) from Sreenadh OG

1 of 1 File(s)

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[astrostudents] Pakka Ghar no.8, Lal Kitab - 1942 page 24 [1 Attachment]

[Attachment(s) from Vijay Goel included below]

Dear Moderators,

I am trying to post for two days but yahoo has some problems, hence i am sending this file to you.



Pakka Ghar no.8, Lal Kitab - 1942 page 24


Respected Members,


In continuation of the series i am posting Khana number 8, Lk-1942.

8H results behaves like 'Tit for Tat'.
घर ८वा है मौत निमाणी, मंगल बद ही लेते है.

ग्रह नर में से कोई ८वे, मौत टली ही लेते है.

Ghara 8vā hai mauta nimānī, magala bada hī lete hai. 

Graha nara me se kō'ī 8ve, mauta alī hī lete hai.


8H is consider the house of death, Mars Badh (negative) is significance for death.

Male planets placed in this house averts the death.
Jupiter, Mars, Sun are male planets if posited here either alone or in any combination will avoid death to take place.
(We can observe that in varshphal if these planets come in 8H, death will not occur in that particular year)


अगला हिस्सा घर पहला तो, ८वा पीठ भी होती है.

बद सुतर की पीठ ही अपनी, नीची-ऊँची होती है.

Agalā his'sā ghara pahalā tō, 8vā pīha bhī hōtī hai. 

Bada sutara kī pīha hī apanī, nīcī-ūm̐cī hōtī hai.


The chest portion is 1H and 8H is dorsum (back) of the body.

Many ups & downs like  a camal's dorsum.

The dorsum is signified by Mars Badh (negative) except spinal cord which is ketu.


तरफ जुनूबी, कच्चा कोइला, जनमुरीदी होती है.

कच्ची चर्बी, खून हो मंदा, पित्त मेदे की होती है.

Tarapha junūbī, kaccā kō'ilā, janamurīdī hōtī hai.

Kaccī carbī, khūna hō mandā, pitta mede kī hōtī hai.


Direction is South, Charcoal, faithful to wife.

Fat which is not digested, impurity of blood, acidity due to white flour.


शनि-मंगल का झगडा होता, केतु चीजे मंदी हो.

छत  मकान से नीचे उतरे, चारपाई भी मंदी हो.

Śani-magala kā jhagaā hōtā, kētu cīje mandī hō. 

Chata makāna sē nīce utare, cārapā'ī bhī mandī hō.


In the fight of Mars & Saturn, the things of Ketu will be destroyed or subdued.

The fall of ceiling in the house and bad conditioning of bed is seen.


घर ८वा जब ‌‍‍‍‍‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‍‍‍‌बदी पे आवे, २-६ भी आ मिलता है.

१२ ख्वाह हो दूर ही बैठा, फैसला इसका लेते है.

Ghara 8vā jaba badī pē āve, 2-6 bhī ā milatā hai. 

12 Khvāha hō dūra hī baihā, phaisalā isakā lete hai.


If 8H turns malefic than the mixing effect of 2, 6H (due to aspect) is simultaneously considered.   
12H though is at distance (may be enemy planet there) but final results is seen from it.


मंगल बद है सब से मंदा, मंदा जादू मंतर है.

एक अकेला हर दम अच्छा, शनि, मंगल या चंद्र है.

Magala bada hai saba se mandā, mandā jādū mantara hai. 

Ēka akelā hara dama acchā, śani, magala yā candra hai.

Mars Negative is very bad as it indicate magic spell and be-charm.

[page 75, LK-1952] Alone Saturn, Mars or Moon give benefic result in this house.

But if any two or three together than they will produce malefic result or death.


घर ११ हे दुनिया के अंदर, ८ को बाहर गिनते है.

घर ११ की चीजे जो आवे, छत गिरी ही लेते है.

Ghara 11 he duniyā ke andara, 8 kō bāhara ginate hai. 

Ghara 11 kī cīje jō āve, chata girī hī lete hai.


The entry to world is 11H and exit is 8H.

If the thing of 11H is bought than fall of roof is consider.

When in varshphal (yearly chart) planet in 11H come in 11H or 8H, than that year things related to 11H planet(s) should not be purchased to prevent health and financial loss.


मींह का पानी या दूध हो छत पर, बुध चांदी से बांधते है,

आतशी शीशा जब कभी चमके, खतम कहानी गिनते है.

Mīnha kā pānī yā dūdha hō chata para, budha cāndī se bāndhate hai, 

Ātaśī śīśā jaba kabhī camake, khatama kahānī ginate hai.


Water of rain or milk at the rooftop, embankment of mercury is done by silver.

The bright dazzling red color (mars negative) dress of the girl (mercury) causes end of 8H.

[From pg 76, LK-1952]
Mercury alone is always bad in 8H and Mars alone also many times bad in 8H but when both mars and mercury are together in 8H than they will act as benefic unless and until Saturn is not in 2H. Else mars will be mars negative.

शनि, मंगल और चंदर टेवे, कही भी इसके बैठे हो.

फल वैसे ही घर ८वे के, उस टेवे में होते है.

Śani, magala aura candara eve, kahī bhī isake baihe hō. 

Phala vaise hī ghara 8ve ke, usa eve me hōte hai.


The position and status of Saturn, Mars & Moon in the horoscope will say the results of 8H.


Special aspects rules of 8H :


1) Sun, Jupiter or Moon either alone or in any combination sits in 8H, than the aspect of 8H will not go to 2H reversely nor to 12H forwardly. The effect will be limited to 8H only. (योगी जंगी जीत ).[pg. 75-76, LK-1952]


2) The malefic effect of 8H will reach to its roots to 4H through 2H, but if 2H is empty, than maleficence will be limited to 8H.

3) If in 11H planet is enemy to planet in 8H, than effect of reverse aspect to 2H will be absent and confine to 8H only.



Relationship of 8H with 3H:

बैठा कोई ग्रह जब तक तीजे , मौत टली ही गिनते है [पेज 75, lk-52]
hā kō'ī graha jaba taka tīje, mauta alī hī ginate hai.

When there is any planet in 3H than death is averted.


"3 मंदा काने पग १२ " उम्दा उसके , असर खाना ८ करता है [पेज 65, Lk-52]

"3 Mandā kāne paga 12" umdā usakē, asara khānā 8 karatā hai.

Here Idiom is used . The results of planets in 3H will be good or bad will be seen from 8H


While writing this post i heard the news from mine client. He had the beautiful baby on 28th march 2011, 17:30 hrs, Dausa, India.

In her chart please check the many planets are in 8H. :) interesting case .)

If readability is weak than u can see here :

Thanks & Regards,

Vijay Goel

Astrologer & Vastu Consultant.

Mob : 09214502239.


Attachment(s) from Vijay Goel

1 of 1 File(s)

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