Monday, December 07, 2009

[astrostudents] Rectification -- misprint in lalkitab.


Respected members;
The hour kundali given on
1. page 363 of 1941 edition;
2. page 89 of 1942 edition;
3. page 221 of 1952 edition;

the kundali for 25th minute does not matches the kundali printed for it;
in fact the kundali for 25th minute comes to be same as the hour kundali. saturn in 5 moved 25 houses again reaches 5th house.

so the minute for the printed kundali with Saturn in first house can only be erected for 9th minute; 21st minute; 33rd minute; 45th minute or 57th minute.

Kindly confirm what should be printed in place of 25 because 25 is definitely wrong and a misprint.




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