Thursday, December 24, 2009

[astrostudents] Re: The articles by Shri R S Chaudhary on Pt Rup Chand Jee


Respected Bhatia ji; Thanks is too short a word; please accept it as an expression of gratitude;
the line in the article  // Sometimes the versus give impression that the language is akin to Qalandhar , Darvwesh or of those who address a majma but critical consideration will bear witness that the language used is the outspring of a Brahamgyani//
How true and what a befitting tribute.

Kulbir Bains.

--- In, Rajinder Bhatia <rajinderbhatia2002@...> wrote:
> Friends,
> Two articles on Pt Rup Chand Jee have been uploaded in the Files section under the name: The Glimpses of Lal Kitab - Part I and Part II. These were written by Sh. S R Chaudhary and were provided to us by Shri Finn Wandahal of Denmark.
> These are invaluable documents that provide authoritative information about Pt Rup Chand jee and the Lal Kitab system.
> Respectfully,
> Rajinder Bhatia



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