Monday, September 15, 2008

Re: [astrostudents] Lal Kitab in English

Dear Tella Puli,
As far my information is concerned there are two english books available on this subject written by Sh UC Mahajan and BM Goswami& Vashishtha. I have the link of preview of first book at google books you can have a glimpse of it before purchase,M1
other book is
Lal Kitab (Red Book of Astrology) by Pt. Beni Madhav Goswami & Pt. Laxmi Kant Vashisth
Nirmal Kumar Bhardwaj
On Sun, Sep 14, 2008 at 6:36 AM, Tella Puli <> wrote:

Dear Astrostudents,

I would appreciate if you can recommend Lal Kitab translations in
English or Telugu. As you might've already realized I am totally new to
Lal Kitab. I am looking forward to your help.

Tella Puli

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

People should read this.