Friday, September 12, 2008

[astrostudents] Re: Sun 9H, Merc 10H

Dear Leo

In my humble opinion recommending remedy on the basis of mere presence
of a single planet is not correct. The whole chart is to be analysed
to determine the remedial measure.Also a great care should be taken
before recommending remedies as a wrongly prescribed remedy may
backfire very badly.

Anyways, there are two remedies mentioned in LK-1941 for Suraj Khana
number 9.

(1). "Khaali bartan Soney ya peetal Budh ki zehar hatatey hain."
Presence of empty vessels or gold or brass can be kept in the house if
Mercury is malefic. Please not that this is not a "General remedy"
rather a highly conditional one and the string of Malefic mercury is
also attached with it.

(2). "Chandi ka daan dena iske badhney ka sabab aur chandi ka daan
lena bayas-e-tabaahi hoga."
Donating silver is recommended for overall progress of the native. But
in this case too one has to see whether the donation or charity of
Silver (Moon) in allowed or not.

In khana no.10 Mercury (and Rahu and Ketu) behaves as per the nature
of Saturn in the chart. So the remedy should be performed if
necessary, to minimize the maleficity of Saturn.

By the ways, Pt ji has given one beautiful indirect "remedy" in form
of a precaution for Mercury in khana no. 10:

"Zuban ka chaska aur sharaab kabbab ka manda mazaa bayas-e-tabahi hoga."
Consumption of non-vegetarian food and liquors will destroy the native.

My dear friend, a remedy is not only about immersing, offering,
removing, establishing, burying or keeping something. But these
precautions and preventions are even more important remedies in my
humble opinion.

Yograj Prabhakar

--- In, "leosaggs" <leosaggs@...> wrote:
> Respected Members.
> Can somebody tell me the remedy for Sun 9H, Merc 10H. As such there is
> remedies for them in other houses not Sun 9H, Merc 10H. There are only
> dos, don'ts given.
> With regards.
> Leo.

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