Wednesday, July 02, 2008

[astrostudents] SAT-VEN-MER in 6th

Dear All,


For togetherness of "SAT-VEN-MER" (not specific in 6th), it is
suggested to give 'GAU-GRAS' for wholesome happiness in life
(teen loko ka sukh)...
I presume interpretation given for SAT_VEN_MER combination is
applicable for all houses. Hope I am correct.

Wish to clarify if GAU-GRAS means -
"First few chapatis made in morning on Tawa and fed to Cows
(wandering on streets) daily"?

Further it explains keeping and feeding a black dog is also very
auspicious. No one outsider should feed that Dog...

Request if someone can elaborate in depth understanding of SAT-VEN-
MER combination... its do's and don'ts...

What if someone is travelling a lot... how to ensure feeding to cow
and dog? Can someone from one's own home can do this service?

I have just begun and trying to get a hang of the LAL KITAB's
language... Look forward to response from fellow group mates.

with best regards,
Bunty Arora


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