Sunday, June 15, 2008

Re: [astrostudents] Re: One More Great Lal Kitabi of his time.

Respected Nirmal Ji,

                     Lt.Sh Neelkanthji lived in Sekharian Mohalla,Batala and pract

ised lal kitab for a very long period he is well known in that place.His grand children ie.,his daughter's children are living in England these days.I am trying to find out their where-abouts and addresses and shall inform the the group as soon as I get it.

--- On Sat, 14/6/08, Nirmal Kumar Bhardwaj <> wrote:

From: Nirmal Kumar Bhardwaj <>
Subject: Re: [astrostudents] Re: One More Great Lal Kitabi of his time.
Date: Saturday, 14 June, 2008, 8:42 PM

Dear Vivian,

You are right. I have also heard of one lalkitab practitionar from batala Pb.from one of my colleague, who was a retired army officer. His children are settled abroad. It is most likely that he is the person you are talking of. I will gather more information from other sources and post it in the group


Nirmal Kumar Bhardwaj.

On 6/14/08, vivian tandon <viviantandon@ in> wrote:

Dear kulbirji,u may be right i wrote only wot i had heard off thru my uncles and dad.There is another thing wot i want to share with all astrostudents is that i have today only come to know that daughter of Sh.neelkanthji had also died way back and that she is survived by four sons and one daughter.It is learned that most of her kids are living in England these days.And may be those books are with them nowadays.... ...

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