Thursday, June 19, 2008

[astrostudents] Re: One More Great Lal Kitabi of his time.

Dear Vivian Sahib

The information you have provided is very important for the grpup. I
have heard a lot about Colonel Neelkanth ji and his unique remedial
measure, but unfortunately never had the chance to meet him personally.

This is one of the policies of our group to locate such doyens. We
have already done some work in this direction and we were able to
locate some veterans. Fortunately We were also successful in procuring
some charts analyzed by Pt. jee apart from some other valuable
informations. Apart from my other colleagues, Advocate Kulbir Bains ji
have seen those charts at my place.

We need to find those who use to visit or use to know Pundit jee and
knows his style of work. There are still many questioned beyond our
limited knowledge in LK and possibly those old stalwarts might have
the answers.

We need those elders becuse, I strongly believe What an elder sees
sitting; the young can't see standing.

Yograj Prabhakar

--- In, vivian tandon <viviantandon@...>
> Respected Kulbirji,
> Thanx for ur responce,but I am going on adding wotever detail I am
finding out from my uncles and will continue to do so in future also.
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