Wednesday, May 20, 2009

[astrostudents] Be-jod chhalla, Kind attn. Respected Rabinder Bhandari ji.

Respected Bhandari Sahib,

Sir, There is one remedy mentioned in Lal kitab of wearing Joint-less steel ring for Mercury in khana number 12. There are diffeent views of various astrologers regarding the term "Joint-less". Being the old school follower I strongly believe that the above mentioned challa must be in one piece and that not even a "Tanka" of any metal should be there. But there is another school of thought who "redefined" the term "Joint-less" as "open end".

I request yourself to clarify:

(a). The exact meanings of joint-less ring
(b). rationale behind this remedy, and
(c). anything else you would like to share.

I believe that only a person of your caliber can clear this confusion, so I am counting on your good-self.

Yograj Prabhakar

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