Thanks Nirmal Ji,
I am reading with other method. I had difficulties in understanding the concept. I will difinitely try this method. It seems to be more practical.
Thanks again
Dear Yogesh Ji,
First all i refresh about the LalKitab editions. You might be knowing that there are five books. each volume is independent of others. Study the books serially i.e. first 1939, then 1940, 1941, 1942 and finally 1952.
There are many methods oif reading a subject. I have been to this sort of experience while doing studies initialy. I give you few keys to read this book.This may help every new students
Key No.1. Consider your self that you are a student of Primary class. You will be in this level only untill you read all the five books.
Key No.2. Consider each lalkitab as Qayda (Primer) and consider it self as very simple and is written in such a language which is very simple to understand . Consider that this book is written only for you keeping in view of your mental level only..
Key No.3. Think - what a primary class student think while reading Qayda.
few thoughts of these areAbove all, keep away all guide books on lalkitab. You can read these books later on after reading all the five books. Think only what you understand dont go by others' words.
- This Qayda is always correct.Dont bring the word 'why' untill you read all the five books.
- Keep aside the Vedic Astrology and its rules for time being. You can co-relate later on.
- Grammer is the pressure area which shall be given more time.
- Read at speed as slow as you can. Keep in mind you have to be winner of slow race.
Key No 4. Make a list of Ashayiaan of planets, khanawise, planet wise as you read. Dont go for ready made lists, make yourself.
Key No 5. Dont Try remedies untill you read all five books
Beware: some habits may try to start forcing your minds after reading few books. few of them areAlways remember that you are becoming the part of a system. if you follow the rules of the system then and then only you can learn it completely.Once you become the part of this system then only you can have the liberty to debate the issues.
- Justifying/co-
relating each rule with other system of Astrology
- Habit of becoming student of higher class. This is a very dangerous habit. If it enters then you will be encircled by budh Dayra. Even a simple word seems to be hiding a vast meaning.You can write as many pages as you can for justifying your meaning of a word even if your understanding are wrong.
- Worst habit will be that you find an error in the book. this habit indicates that the student is going away from the basic concepts.
I follow these rules till date.
Hope you will find it use full.
Nirmal Kumar BhardwajOn 4/28/08, yogesh jaitely < > wrote:Respected Experts,
I have Arun Sanhita LalKitab and Teesra by Yograj Prabhakar.Is there any special method to read this book. I am unable to link the matter during reading.

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