Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Re: [astrostudents] Lal Kitab (1952) transliterated by Goswami jee


Hello Ranjiderji

Sure Goswamiji did  a very good job by transliterated the  great Lal kitab 1952 version. Can u please let me know from where i can but this book and how much the cost of book (well we can't put price tag on it as it is a precious gem for all of us).

Also let me know is this is book is sufficeint for reading as i am a new to lal kitab.

~ Keep the dream alive: Hit the snooze button. ~

On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 8:53 AM, Rajinder Bhatia <> wrote:
On Sunday Feb 21, 2009, Sh Jagmeet Dheendsa presented me with a copy of Lal Kitab 1952 (Part One) transliterated by Shri V M Goswami.
My immediate reaction is that Goswami jee has hit another flawless century and/or scored another hat-trick. 
A beautifully bound book - the cover resembles the original 1952 book, the same color, the same golden embossing - comes across as an extremely attractive book. Even the inside cover pages are red in color, exactly like the original Lal Kitab. 
Just like other Hindi transliterations of Lal Kitab by Goswami jee, the integrity of the original pages and lines has been maintained as much as possible. The font type is large enough so that it is easy on the eyes. One added bonus is the inclusion of meanings of difficult Urdu/Farsi/Punjabi words at the bottom of each page making this an extremely readable work. Despite having the original Lal Kitab for more than forty-five years, I feel  like I have got hold of a new version of Lal Kitab - that is how excited I am about this transliterated work.
This volume is Part I and covers upto page number 600. The second part is expected to be released within this month. That part will also contain errata from the present volume. I have seen a very few errors; these are generally errors of vowels or slight mis-spellings (in some cases, computer induced); I haven't come across any serious errors in my two hours of skimming through the book. 
I highly recommend this volume for each serious student of Lal Kitab. I may also add that I have no commercial interest in this venture; it is the appreciation of honest hard work that Goswami jee and his dedicated team has put together; that is why I am writing this Email out of my free will and without any coaxing. It is very easy to find faults but let us take some time to encourage and thank Goswami jee for doing a yeoman's job (particularly for the one's like me who have always struggled with Urdu script.) Thanks Goswami jee for making Lal Kitab more approachable. God bless.
Rajinder Bhatia

Recent Activity:


[astrostudents] Re: Lal Kitab (1952) transliterated by Goswami jee



Could you please tell us how we can order this book online?

Thank you,

--- In, Rajinder Bhatia <rajinderbhatia2002@...> wrote:
> Friends,
> On Sunday Feb 21, 2009, Sh Jagmeet Dheendsa presented me with a copy of Lal Kitab 1952 (Part One) transliterated by Shri V M Goswami.
> My immediate reaction is that Goswami jee has hit another flawless century and/or scored another hat-trick. 
> A beautifully bound book - the cover resembles the original 1952 book, the same color, the same golden embossing - comes across as an extremely attractive book. Even the inside cover pages are red in color, exactly like the original Lal Kitab. 
> Just like other Hindi transliterations of Lal Kitab by Goswami jee, the integrity of the original pages and lines has been maintained as much as possible. The font type is large enough so that it is easy on the eyes. One added bonus is the inclusion of meanings of difficult Urdu/Farsi/Punjabi words at the bottom of each page making this an extremely readable work. Despite having the original Lal Kitab for more than forty-five years, I feel  like I have got hold of a new version of Lal Kitab - that is how excited I am about this transliterated work.
> This volume is Part I and covers upto page number 600. The second part is expected to be released within this month. That part will also contain errata from the present volume. I have seen a very few errors; these are generally errors of vowels or slight mis-spellings (in some cases, computer induced); I haven't come across any serious errors in my two hours of skimming through the book. 
> I highly recommend this volume for each serious student of Lal Kitab.I may also add that I have no commercial interest in this venture; it is the appreciation of honest hard work that Goswami jee and his dedicated team has put together; that is why I am writing this Email out of my free will and without any coaxing. It is very easy to find faults but let us take some time to encourage and thank Goswami jee for doing a yeoman's job (particularly for the one's like me who have always struggled with Urdu script.) Thanks Goswami jee for making Lal Kitab more approachable. God bless.
> Respectfully,
> Rajinder Bhatia



Tuesday, February 23, 2010

[astrostudents] Lal Kitab (1952) transliterated by Goswami jee


On Sunday Feb 21, 2009, Sh Jagmeet Dheendsa presented me with a copy of Lal Kitab 1952 (Part One) transliterated by Shri V M Goswami.
My immediate reaction is that Goswami jee has hit another flawless century and/or scored another hat-trick. 
A beautifully bound book - the cover resembles the original 1952 book, the same color, the same golden embossing - comes across as an extremely attractive book. Even the inside cover pages are red in color, exactly like the original Lal Kitab. 
Just like other Hindi transliterations of Lal Kitab by Goswami jee, the integrity of the original pages and lines has been maintained as much as possible. The font type is large enough so that it is easy on the eyes. One added bonus is the inclusion of meanings of difficult Urdu/Farsi/Punjabi words at the bottom of each page making this an extremely readable work. Despite having the original Lal Kitab for more than forty-five years, I feel  like I have got hold of a new version of Lal Kitab - that is how excited I am about this transliterated work.
This volume is Part I and covers upto page number 600. The second part is expected to be released within this month. That part will also contain errata from the present volume. I have seen a very few errors; these are generally errors of vowels or slight mis-spellings (in some cases, computer induced); I haven't come across any serious errors in my two hours of skimming through the book. 
I highly recommend this volume for each serious student of Lal Kitab. I may also add that I have no commercial interest in this venture; it is the appreciation of honest hard work that Goswami jee and his dedicated team has put together; that is why I am writing this Email out of my free will and without any coaxing. It is very easy to find faults but let us take some time to encourage and thank Goswami jee for doing a yeoman's job (particularly for the one's like me who have always struggled with Urdu script.) Thanks Goswami jee for making Lal Kitab more approachable. God bless.
Rajinder Bhatia



Tuesday, February 16, 2010

[astrostudents] Blog on Lal Kitab


Hello friends and all astrostudent group members


I feel pleasure about mentioning one of my friend Mr.DS Thakur who is having about 35 years of study on Lal Kitab.He is writing his Blog and i think this will be a good source of study for those who are learning Lal Kitab.I am giving below the blog address of Mr.DS Thakur so that all fellow members may take the benefits of the wonderful writings on  the treasure of Lal Kitab.


Harpal Singh Narang



Re: [astrostudents] Digest Number 1073


Namaste dear administrator astro students
I  want to know where i can found these two books by abdul rahim khany khana Khet Kautukam and Dwawishd Yogavali. tell me the book shop or city where i can found these books

From: "" <>
Sent: Saturday, February 13, 2010 13:41:47
Subject: [astrostudents] Digest Number 1073

Messages In This Digest (2 Messages)



More Manuscripts Uploaded on Shiva Ratri - Saptarishis Astrology

Posted by: "saptarishisastrology"   saptarishisastrology

Fri Feb 12, 2010 7:18 pm (PST)

Dear Astrology Lovers,

This mail is cced to vedic-astrology, sohamsa, srijagannath, jyotish
remedies, jyotish group & other lists.

On the auspicious occasion of Shivratri, the following manuscripts are
being released for the benefit of scholars to come forward and translate
it. These documents are in original manuscript form and so far it was
not available to people, most of them was released in notes form prior
to this which was taken from Madura Shastriji. This is a first and we
thank Shri Ravindra Bhagawat for this. Kindly log into the website and
download from the manuscripts section which would be made active at 12

Jaimini Astrology

1. Jaiminiyasutra- Nagiri Script (first time in Manuscript Form)
[http://www.saptaris hisastrology. com/images/ new3.gif] - Donated by
Ravindra Bhagawat

2. Jaimini Sutra-Neelakantha Commentary (Manuscript Form) (Full)
[http://www.saptaris hisastrology. com/images/ new3.gif] – Donated by
Ravindra Bhagawat

3. Jyotish Phalaratnamala- (Manuscript Form) Grantha Lipi
[http://www.saptaris hisastrology. com/images/ new3.gif] – 48 pages
– Donated by Ravindra Bhagawat

4. Jaimini SutradaPrakashika (Manuscript Form) by NarasimhaSuri
(script not known)
[http://www.saptaris hisastrology. com/images/ new3.gif] – Donated by
Ravindra Bhagawat

5. Jaiminiya SutraVritti (Manuscript Form) by Balkrishnanand
Saraswati [http://www.saptaris hisastrology. com/images/ new3.gif] (50
pages)– Donated by Ravindra Bhagawat

6. Jaimini Padyamritam (few pages uploaded only)
[http://www.saptaris hisastrology. com/images/ new3.gif] – Donated by
Rajendra Shah

Miscellaneous Manuscripts

1. Lomash Samhita of Rishi Lomesha
[http://www.saptaris hisastrology. com/images/ new3.gif] (full manuscript
contains 60,000 shlokas) – only 10 chapters recd – Donated by an
individual who does not wish his name to be revealed.


Saptarishis Astrology - Free Digital Global Astro Magazine

As Read In 96 Countries

<../../../.. /../Jyotish_ Remedies/ www.saptarishisa strology. com>

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Re: Lukhnau ke nabab.

Posted by: "Lalkitab"   lalkitabkb

Fri Feb 12, 2010 7:19 pm (PST)

Dear Members,
Lucknow ke nawab could be Abdul Rahim Khankhana 1556 - 1627 was one of the nine Navratna's in the court of Mughal emperor Akbar. He was a great admirer of Indian civilization. He was also an excellent poet and an Astrologer. His command over Sanskrit was exceptional considering the fact that he was not an Indian native but a person of Iranian origin. Two of his works are masterpieces on the subject of astrology- Khet Kautukam and Dwawishd Yogavali. These two books still act as books of reference for people interested in Astrology.
Kulbir Bains.

--- In astrostudents@ yahoogroups. com, Lalkitab Kb <lalkitabkb@ ...> wrote:
> Guruji,
> Thanks a ton about this invaluable information.
> I deliberately wrote Vidhrathi to address Maharishi Kaattwe because he himself chose this address to describe himself.
>  Regards
> Kulbir Bains
> ____________ _________ _________ __
> From: Mr Bhandari <bhandari1951@ ...>
> To: astrostudents@ yahoogroups. com
> Sent: Mon, 1 February, 2010 6:34:48 AM
> Subject: Re: [astrostudents] Lukhnau ke nabab.
> Respected Kulbir Ji,
> Thanks for sharing your views and information regarding VIDHYARATHI  H.N.KATTWE,
> As far as I have collected information regarding Lucknow Ke Nawab, Nasir â€" ud â€"Din was one of the Lucknow Ke Nawab, who was a popular monarch and was responsible for the CONSTRUCTION OF AN ASTROLOGICAL CENTRE, TARUNVALI KOTHI, equipped with sophisticated instruments.
> with regards....rabinder bhandari
> On 01/02/2010, Lalkitab Kb <lalkitabkb@ yahoo. com> wrote:
> >Lukhnau ke Nabab,
> >Dear Members,
> >I am studying books written by VIDHYARATHI  H.N.KATTWE,
> >He refers to Prashar, Mantreshwar, Neelkanth, Agyat, Venketeshwar, Viadyanath, Kalidas, Narayan bhatt, Brahyavanjatak, Narayan bhaat, Harivansh, Gholap , Gopal Ratnakar, Vashisht, Garg, Punjraj, Jaageshwar, Shri Chitrey, Aryagranth, Dhindiraaj,
> >Western thought;
> >At the same time mention and quotes from LUKHNAU KE NABAB is there..
> >Could someone tell me Who or What is this “LUKHNAU KE NABAB�.
> >In anticipation.
> > Regards
> >Kulbir Bains
> >___________ _________ _________ ___
> Your Mail works best with the New Yahoo Optimized IE8. Get it NOW!.
> Your Mail works best with the New Yahoo Optimized IE8. Get it NOW! http://downloads. in/internetexplo rer/

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Friday, February 12, 2010

[astrostudents] More Manuscripts Uploaded on Shiva Ratri - Saptarishis Astrology


Dear Astrology Lovers,

This mail is cced to vedic-astrology, sohamsa, srijagannath, jyotish remedies, jyotish group & other lists.


On the auspicious occasion of Shivratri, the following manuscripts are being released for the benefit of scholars to come forward and translate it. These documents are in original manuscript form and so far it was not available to people, most of them was released in notes form prior to this which was taken from Madura Shastriji. This is a first and we thank Shri Ravindra Bhagawat for this. Kindly log into the website and download from the manuscripts section which would be made active at 12 midnight.



Jaimini Astrology


1.        Jaiminiyasutra-Nagiri Script (first time in Manuscript Form) - Donated by Ravindra Bhagawat

2.        Jaimini Sutra-Neelakantha Commentary (Manuscript Form) (Full) – Donated by Ravindra Bhagawat

3.        Jyotish Phalaratnamala- (Manuscript Form) Grantha Lipi – 48 pages – Donated by Ravindra Bhagawat

4.        Jaimini SutradaPrakashika  (Manuscript Form) by NarasimhaSuri (script not known) – Donated by Ravindra Bhagawat

5.        Jaiminiya SutraVritti (Manuscript Form) by Balkrishnanand Saraswati (50 pages)– Donated by Ravindra Bhagawat

6.        Jaimini Padyamritam (few pages uploaded only)– Donated by Rajendra Shah


Miscellaneous Manuscripts

1.        Lomash Samhita of Rishi Lomesha  (full manuscript contains 60,000 shlokas) – only 10 chapters recd – Donated by an individual who does not wish his name to be revealed.





Saptarishis Astrology - Free Digital Global Astro Magazine

As Read In 96 Countries

Everything in this e-mail and attachments relating to the official business of Saptarishis Astrology is proprietary to the company. Any view or opinion expressed in this message may be the view of the individual and should not automatically be ascribed to the company.  If you are not the intended recipient, you may not peruse, use, disseminate, distribute or copy this message. If you have received this message in error, please notify the sender immediately by email, facsimile or telephone and destroy the original message.
P Please don't print this e-mail unless you really need to. Save trees for our children!





[astrostudents] Re: Lukhnau ke nabab.


Dear Members,
Lucknow ke nawab could be Abdul Rahim Khankhana 1556 - 1627 was one of the nine Navratna's in the court of Mughal emperor Akbar. He was a great admirer of Indian civilization. He was also an excellent poet and an Astrologer. His command over Sanskrit was exceptional considering the fact that he was not an Indian native but a person of Iranian origin. Two of his works are masterpieces on the subject of astrology- Khet Kautukam and Dwawishd Yogavali. These two books still act as books of reference for people interested in Astrology.
Kulbir Bains.

--- In, Lalkitab Kb <lalkitabkb@...> wrote:
> Guruji,
> Thanks a ton about this invaluable information.
> I deliberately wrote Vidhrathi to address Maharishi Kaattwe because he himself chose this address to describe himself.
>  Regards
> Kulbir Bains
> ________________________________
> From: Mr Bhandari <bhandari1951@...>
> To:
> Sent: Mon, 1 February, 2010 6:34:48 AM
> Subject: Re: [astrostudents] Lukhnau ke nabab.
> Respected Kulbir Ji,
> Thanks for sharing your views and information regarding VIDHYARATHI  H.N.KATTWE,
> As far as I have collected information regarding Lucknow Ke Nawab, Nasir â€" ud â€"Din was one of the Lucknow Ke Nawab, who was a popular monarch and was responsible for the CONSTRUCTION OF AN ASTROLOGICAL CENTRE, TARUNVALI KOTHI, equipped with sophisticated instruments.
> with regards....rabinder bhandari
> On 01/02/2010, Lalkitab Kb <lalkitabkb@yahoo. com> wrote:
> >Lukhnau ke Nabab,
> >Dear Members,
> >I am studying books written by VIDHYARATHI  H.N.KATTWE,
> >He refers to Prashar, Mantreshwar, Neelkanth, Agyat, Venketeshwar, Viadyanath, Kalidas, Narayan bhatt, Brahyavanjatak, Narayan bhaat, Harivansh, Gholap , Gopal Ratnakar, Vashisht, Garg, Punjraj, Jaageshwar, Shri Chitrey, Aryagranth, Dhindiraaj,
> >Western thought;
> >At the same time mention and quotes from LUKHNAU KE NABAB is there..
> >Could someone tell me Who or What is this “LUKHNAU KE NABAB”.
> >In anticipation.
> > Regards
> >Kulbir Bains
> >________________________________
> Your Mail works best with the New Yahoo Optimized IE8. Get it NOW!.
> Your Mail works best with the New Yahoo Optimized IE8. Get it NOW!

