Sunday, January 17, 2010

[astrostudents] LalKitab Teesra Hissa -1941 Ebook DVD


Dear Members,
It is a matter of pride for the group that 'LalKitab Teesra Hissa -1941 Ebook DVD' as provided by Sh. Yograj Prabhakar Ji has been relesed in the Lalkitab Sammelan held in Ludhiana (Punjab) i.e Januaty 17th 2010 . The DVD cover has been designed by Sh.Ravi Prabhakar Ji, brother of Sh.Yograj Prabhakar Ji. It has a unique design. The person of his callibre and dedication can design such a beautiful design. I on behalf of the group convey thanks to Sh. Ravi Prabhakar Ji. I have uploaded the images of DVD and its cover in photo sections. I Congratulate all the members on this great occasion.
Due to some unforeseen circumstances I could not attend this sammellan. The members who attended the sammellan will soon provide the details.



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