Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Re: [astrostudents] Re: Shri Raj Pal Verma -- bereaved


May God give peace to the departed Soul and solace to the aggrieved persons left behind.

On Wed, Sep 2, 2009 at 12:43 PM, kalapandit68 <> wrote:

my sincerest sympaathies are with verma ji, may god grant peace to the departed soul and strength to sh. verma ji to deal with this tragedy
rajesh bhanot

--- In, Rajinder Bhatia <rajinderbhatia2002@...> wrote:
> Friends,
> It's with a great sense of personal loss to inform you that Shrimati Ramlubhai Verma, the beloved wife of our senior-most member, Shri Raj Pal Verma,  passed away in New York on Wednesday afternoon (Aug 26, 2009) following a heart ailment. Mrs. Verma was one of the most loving, generous and compassionate persons that I have ever come across. The Vermas had been married for over 57 years.
> As the "retired"  head of a well known Indian business family in New York/New Jersey area, Verma ji spends most of his time in the study and practice of Lalkitab system and spritual persuits. He is widely known for his expertise in palmistry and classical and LalKitab astrology. His enthusiasm and desire to learn is so intense that despite limited education and no exposure to computers, within the last four-five years, he acquired a laptop computer and practically self-taught the use of internet. He follows numerous astrological and spiritual forums via the internet.
> Our sincerest sympathies are with Vermaji and his family. May God grant peace to the departed soul and good health to Vermaji.  
> Respectfully,
> Rajinder Bhatia

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