Tuesday, February 17, 2009

[astrostudents] LK chart rectification and traditional concept.

Respected Goel Saheb, learned members,

Lal-kitab does not explicitly consider any method of Bhava chart.
In a normal process it says that you can erect the LK horoscope just by
putting the planets from house number one onwards from the any
traditionally erected chart by any method taking any ayanamsha.

Basically it lays highest stress on "Kundli Drusti" part, which means
that change the position of planets as per LK principle when compared
with the real life situation, it is someting like LK chart
rectification. Than only readings should be done, which actually
de-values the concept of any technical part of traditional astrology.

Apart from above method, three other method are also given in LK for the
erection of the chart.
a)From the palm.
b)From the face.
c)Most important and is must is Makan kundli, ie from the house of the

These above three chart acts like prashna kundli in the traditional method.

It is said in LK that alleast two type of chart must be read
simultaneously and while considering remedies and essential reading,
Makan kundli alleast must be considered first in case of confusion.

This is our common view with my 'distance living' friend very learned in
LK, who's article based on above concept will be published in the very
popular internet magazine. He will shows how charts can be erected with
other three method and how readings and remedies can be done combining
all four charts for better accuracy and understanding.

Thanking You,
Your's sincerely,
Vijay Goel
Mob. 09214502239.

--- In lalkitab...........@yahoogroups.com, Gopal Goel
<gkgoel1937@...> wrote:
> Dear Mr. Trivedi,
> There about 12 methods of CONSTRUCTING THE BHAVA chart,
> which method do you recommend.
> Regards,
> Ph: 09350311433
> Add: L-409, SARITA VIHAR
> NEW DELHI-110 076

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